Now this is my first time blogging at all, so I'll make my personal intro realy quick. I'm a MMO gamer (been doing it for about 6 or 7 years now) though I do own a Wii and an Xbox 360 so I'm not a pure MMO gamer.
Well now that thats out of the way I'll start this off: Recently I just got into Lord of the Rings Online (LoTRO), its a great game, lots of neat stuff to do but as always it and many MMOs have disappointed. Its not the game-play is bad, and the world is very nice it makes me happy to run through the Shire and feel as if I'm a part of Tolkin's masterful world, but at the same time I get this dejavu feal that I've been here before. In reality I have, not this world, not this game but this type of game.
Before WoW the MMO world was an "underground" one, and often people said "you play MMOs... what is an MMO?" when you told them about it. Now that games like WoW has stormed the market and made MMOs "mainstream" even football players dable in the MMO world (often through WoW). Now this is great and all, I always figure the more people the better, means that the game is doing well, but with WoW I'm starting to see a tried and true formula poping up. Ever game after WoW has had some form of Wowisumin it. LoTRO is a perfect example of this, the game screams wow... from the leveling system to the crafting system they have transplanted WoW into Tolkin's world of Middle Earth. This isn't the worst thing I've ever seen and you can tell that lately developers are using WoWs success to fuel their own designs.
This is where the title of this blog comes in, before WoW when you developed a game you had to come up with ways to make your game "new" or "better" than your competetors. Often new MMOs were exciting because they tried new and daring formulas, many bombed but a few stayed strong and realy developed worlds and game-play styles that were unique and interesting. In our modern world of MMOs all you see are rehashes of WoW, just as Korean games are constantly turning out Lineage style games. Now you can't blame a company for going the "safe" path, and doing a WoW style game, but when will the line be drawn... how long will it take untill players get sick of the constant "WoW Effect" storming into there favorite MMOs (Heck SOE destroyed Star Wars Galaxies just to make it feel a little more like WoW).
Now this isn't to say that the MMO world is totaly bad right now, and I'll admit I think WoW is a great game, I just think that its sad that everyone is copying the game... I will admit I like LoTRO a bit better than WoW, but I can also tell you I may get sick of it real quick because it screams WoW so much. On the horizon we have some new and daring titles, games like Gods and Heroes, and Warhammer Online, heck even the Conan game looks like it could be vary promising. I can only hope that these titles stay true to there origonal formulas and don't submit to the the masses craze for WoW.
Aside from the WoW effect we've also got the general MMO formula. If its a level based game we've got your "tank", "DPS ranged or melee", and your "healer". It would be nice if a company out there could attempt to do a totaly new formula. After a while it gets boring to constantly seeing the same old classes redon with differnt names and differnt effects and armors and junk like that. A game that would do wonders for itself would be the one that steps back and says "lets try somthing differnt... somthing new!"
So with that said, it will be interesting to see how long the tried and true formula of MMOs lasts. It would be nice to see games like Ultima Online (UO) and Dark Ages (not DAoC... but the Nexon game) be relived. In UO you had housing that was in the world, constant player built content and adventures and crafting that felt it mattered. If you wanted to run a shop, you could the only downside is that they never got a city of village system for players to band togehter and make there housing area into a city with roads and lanterns and so forth (SWG attempted this, but in the end it was bland and under done). Dark Ages hand an interesting way of playing, you had gods that you could worship, you'd join there church, you could go to mass and hear a player priest give a sermon about that god or godess, and everyone got a nice chunck of EXP for it. You could run for mayor of a city, become a judge or a town guard. The world was run by the players and it was somthing we've yet to see reproduced in a more "mainstream" game. Hopefuly the future of MMOs will be a brighter one than our current era of bland WoW remakes.