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Kingdom_Axel Blog

Yay, Im back.. for now.

Good gosh its been too long. Im guessing a few months at least. I dont even recognize the site, has it been updated? XD My mind is being blown right now. It took me a while to find the link to post an update. XD How sad is that! So whats everyone been up to? Hmm, anything? Not a lot is going on here. Just some disappointments, but nothing to get down about. :) God I dont know what to add. Well I havent been playing games lately so I found no reason for me to come to the site. Instead Ive been spending all my time on Gaia. If you have an account there look me up sometime, my username is Societys_Rejects. XP Hmm, Well I turned 20 four days ago. Whoo hoo for me I guess. :D I finally got a PS3! Beautiful birthday gift.

^_^ It's been awhile

Well hello hello! Oh my goodness, I can't believe I've been gone so long. School and Gaia has been taking up all of my time. Lol. So so what's new with everyone? Come tell me.

Back to business. I have a $25 gift card for Circuit City and I'm having trouble picking a game. Im thinking about getting Need for speed or something, but I was also looking at Call of Duty or Naruto. *grabs head* Ahhh come one people help me out! Direct me! I'm open for suggestions.

Hey guys!

Wow haven't been on in awhile. Hmm what's new with me? Well not too my. Our main tvs sound broke last week and it wont be fixed till next week. So we bought a new tv for the living room till the main tv is fixed. I hate it. The tv is so small. It's a 27in HDTV flat screen. It's like our other tv had a baby. Once the 42in is fixed the 27in is going into my moms room. We trashed our leather couch and got some fabric couchs...don't ask me why we did that, my mom is weird. But when we trashed the couches and put them out to the road someone took the cushions and left the couch. Stupid people. Hmm what else. College is fine. Nothing really new about that. I need to register for next semester soon. So that's going to be another $1400 my mom and I need to dish out. I have a lot more pictures up on my DeviantART page. I'll leaving tomorrow for NY after my sister gets done school. We're leaving at 2, so I won't be able to go to my math and english class. I won't be back till monday night, so I won't be online till then. I'll be on Aim and MSN. So if you want to chat just im me. Aim= Fallapartsomemor MSN= I think that's it for now. Omg I haven't played KH since I went to PA last month. Well! I know what I'll be doing with the 5 hours I'll be spending in the car ride up to new york! Bye

Damn You!

::cry:: My mom wants to get me a Wii or a PS3 for my birthday but they are all out of stock! XP So I didn't do anything of my birthday yesterday or today. Thats fine with me. Considering I never had a REALLY birthday, it's ok. OMG I couldn't stop eatting last night. I had breakfast at 3 oclock (caption crunch), dinner at 7 (mac n cheese and perogies) a cup of after dinner mints and 2 cups of mashed potatoes at midnight. The potatos ROCKED! Man I eat a lot. XP I'm eating right now ::burp:: ::buurrrrpp:: wow pig. I'm having a small hoogie from wawa. Its a cheese hoogies bc I don't eat meat. With some chips :D OOHHHH I'm so BORING!! Someone send me a im on msn or aim! EERRR. YEAH I have one friend on msn. I dont know her real name. Hmmm. LATER Aim-Fallapartsomemor MSN- Ew a chip fall down my shirt

Old news

Did anyone watch the new South Park eps, La Petit Tourette? If you did you are now my friend XD if you didn't I spit in your general direction. XP I love cartman

Help me

ok so I finally got that msn messenger thing on my pc and I dont know how to use it. all I know how to do is set my picture. Can you tell me how to work the damn thing?

What do you like to draw?

So I like to draw and I want to know what you guys like to draw or write about. I can't write storys so I don'tdo that. I love to draw women (its the only thing I'm ok at doing), strange people and animals. Well WHOA look at that list. That's sad. Tell me what you like to do.

Haha! I'm taking this from you XP

1) How old will you in 3 birthdays?

- I'll be 21 Whoa I can drink...LEGALLY!

2) Do you think you'll be married by then?

- Fack no!

3) What do you look forward towards in the next 2 months?

- My bday in 5 days. Going to NY in 2 weeks. I guess that's it.

4) Oh No! There's no number 4! I need order!

5) Have you ever played a team sport?

- In middle school I played basketball for 2 years.

6) Who was the last person to text you?

- I think my younger sister asking me if I was going to pick her up from school.

7) Who was the last person you hugged?

- No one I get REALLY uncomfortable when I get close to people.

8 ) What were you doing at midnight last night?

- I was on the computer.

9) What happened at 11 am today?

- Nothing special. I was just typing about how my day was so for on

10) How many states have you visited?

- I think the whole east coast.

11) If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be ?

- By myself...

12) Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?

- Bare feet.

13) When was the last time you cried?

- September 13th. My cat died... :(

14) What was the last thing you drank?

- Gross orange soda... :x

15) Favorite ice cream.

-Coffe flavor with toffee.

16) What is your favorite number?

- I think 3... Both my sisters like it too.

17) What is your favorite color?

- Favorite shade black...XP Color purple.

18 ) What jelly do you put on your PBJ?


19) Do you like coffe?

- o3o COFFEE! Iced please!

20) How many glasses of water do you drink on average?

- If we have bottled water then a lot. I never drink from the tap! Even with a water filter.

21) What do you drink in the morning?

- if it's a school day then iced coffee. Any other day milk.

22) Would you rather kiss someone with or without a tongue ring?

- Well you said kiss... you don't use your tongue when you kiss. So it doesn't matter. But if it was with tongue then NO WORRIES! I WILL PROVIDE THE TONGUE RING! tehe

23) Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?

- I use the whole thing. I can never find a good spot

24) Do you know how to play poker?

- Yes I love it! I suck, but that doesn't mean I can't love it.

25) What's so good about Fridays?

-It's a good place to eat...Ha. Um. I guess the show on tv.

26) Any plans for this week?

- I plan on drawing, going to school, and my birthday.

27) Do you eat out or at home more?

- I guess at home. Since I'm the only one making the food.

28 ) How big is your tv?

- 42" HDTV flat screen plasma...:) It wouldn't fit in our entertainment center.

29) Ever stolen a street sign?

- What am I going to do with a street sign?

30) Do you keep a piggy bank?

-'s one of the c's you get from Commerce bank.

31) What kind of camera do you have?

-Kodak Easy Share C703.

32) Have you ever been in a ambulance?

- Yes...not telling why...XP

33) Do you prefer the ocean or a pool?

-OMG pool. I'm kinda afraid of the ocean.

34) Do you prefer window seat of aisle seat?

- Window...I get uncomfortable in the aisle seats.

35) Do you know how to drive stick shift?

- No only automatic. Would love to learn though.

36) What is your favorite thing to spend money on?

- O_O SHOPPING! Everything! Aslong as it's not my money. LOL.

37) Do you wear any jewelry 24/7?

- Yes my labret and my tongue ring.

38 ) Do you speak any other langauge?

- Kinda. I took a year and a half of spanish and a year of french. I only know a tiny tiny tiny bit.

39) Can you roll your tongue?

- If someone asks me to I can't, but if I'm playing around I can.

40) The funniest person you know?

- ME...I'm always laughing at the things that are happening inside my head.

41) Do you sleep with stuffed animal?

-No. Just 8 pillows.

42) What is the main ring tone one your phone.

-Time Is Running Out by Papa Roach

43) Do you still have clothes from when you were little?

- No.

44) What is the color of your bedroom wall?

- White.

45) Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth?

- Yeah. Ever since I saw a thing with caption planet saying save water, turn it off when you brush your teeth, I do.

46) Ah where's the order?!

47) Do you currently hate someone?

- My dad and his new family...

48 ) Why do you take Myspace surveys?

- Why do you write them?

49) Who was the last person you taked to on the phone?

- My aunt, asking her what cereal she wanted.

50) What are you listening to?

- Forever by Papa Roach.

Ahw whats it called!

Aw man I just saw the coolest show just now on adult swim and I have no idea what the name of it was. Err I gotta go find it out. All I know is that its these two guys with I forget what there called. Its those really sharp long swords. Ah. Anyway. I gotta know the name.

Finally My Drabbit.

Ok I can finally show you guys my drabbit I got at the renaissance faire in PA. It's called a drabbit because its half dragon and half rabbit. The hair is rabbit fur. :: poor rabbit :: BUT I LOVE MY DRAGON! AHHAhahahaha!


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