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Haha! I'm taking this from you XP

1) How old will you in 3 birthdays?

- I'll be 21 Whoa I can drink...LEGALLY!

2) Do you think you'll be married by then?

- Fack no!

3) What do you look forward towards in the next 2 months?

- My bday in 5 days. Going to NY in 2 weeks. I guess that's it.

4) Oh No! There's no number 4! I need order!

5) Have you ever played a team sport?

- In middle school I played basketball for 2 years.

6) Who was the last person to text you?

- I think my younger sister asking me if I was going to pick her up from school.

7) Who was the last person you hugged?

- No one I get REALLY uncomfortable when I get close to people.

8 ) What were you doing at midnight last night?

- I was on the computer.

9) What happened at 11 am today?

- Nothing special. I was just typing about how my day was so for on

10) How many states have you visited?

- I think the whole east coast.

11) If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be ?

- By myself...

12) Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?

- Bare feet.

13) When was the last time you cried?

- September 13th. My cat died... :(

14) What was the last thing you drank?

- Gross orange soda... :x

15) Favorite ice cream.

-Coffe flavor with toffee.

16) What is your favorite number?

- I think 3... Both my sisters like it too.

17) What is your favorite color?

- Favorite shade black...XP Color purple.

18 ) What jelly do you put on your PBJ?


19) Do you like coffe?

- o3o COFFEE! Iced please!

20) How many glasses of water do you drink on average?

- If we have bottled water then a lot. I never drink from the tap! Even with a water filter.

21) What do you drink in the morning?

- if it's a school day then iced coffee. Any other day milk.

22) Would you rather kiss someone with or without a tongue ring?

- Well you said kiss... you don't use your tongue when you kiss. So it doesn't matter. But if it was with tongue then NO WORRIES! I WILL PROVIDE THE TONGUE RING! tehe

23) Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?

- I use the whole thing. I can never find a good spot

24) Do you know how to play poker?

- Yes I love it! I suck, but that doesn't mean I can't love it.

25) What's so good about Fridays?

-It's a good place to eat...Ha. Um. I guess the show on tv.

26) Any plans for this week?

- I plan on drawing, going to school, and my birthday.

27) Do you eat out or at home more?

- I guess at home. Since I'm the only one making the food.

28 ) How big is your tv?

- 42" HDTV flat screen plasma...:) It wouldn't fit in our entertainment center.

29) Ever stolen a street sign?

- What am I going to do with a street sign?

30) Do you keep a piggy bank?

-'s one of the c's you get from Commerce bank.

31) What kind of camera do you have?

-Kodak Easy Share C703.

32) Have you ever been in a ambulance?

- Yes...not telling why...XP

33) Do you prefer the ocean or a pool?

-OMG pool. I'm kinda afraid of the ocean.

34) Do you prefer window seat of aisle seat?

- Window...I get uncomfortable in the aisle seats.

35) Do you know how to drive stick shift?

- No only automatic. Would love to learn though.

36) What is your favorite thing to spend money on?

- O_O SHOPPING! Everything! Aslong as it's not my money. LOL.

37) Do you wear any jewelry 24/7?

- Yes my labret and my tongue ring.

38 ) Do you speak any other langauge?

- Kinda. I took a year and a half of spanish and a year of french. I only know a tiny tiny tiny bit.

39) Can you roll your tongue?

- If someone asks me to I can't, but if I'm playing around I can.

40) The funniest person you know?

- ME...I'm always laughing at the things that are happening inside my head.

41) Do you sleep with stuffed animal?

-No. Just 8 pillows.

42) What is the main ring tone one your phone.

-Time Is Running Out by Papa Roach

43) Do you still have clothes from when you were little?

- No.

44) What is the color of your bedroom wall?

- White.

45) Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth?

- Yeah. Ever since I saw a thing with caption planet saying save water, turn it off when you brush your teeth, I do.

46) Ah where's the order?!

47) Do you currently hate someone?

- My dad and his new family...

48 ) Why do you take Myspace surveys?

- Why do you write them?

49) Who was the last person you taked to on the phone?

- My aunt, asking her what cereal she wanted.

50) What are you listening to?

- Forever by Papa Roach.