So my cousin bought a Wii for his little brother for christmas. We decided to check it out before putting it in his closet for around a month. So we took it apart and gently tried not to wreck the package so we could reasseble it later. After plugging it in we put in Wii sports (he also bought galaxy, but we left it alone). After playing with it for awhile we just looked at each other and started laughing are brains out thatthe controllers are so tiny, they are just made for kids. This system barley can compete with the first xbox in graphics, sound is terrible and controlling with the wii-more is such a gimmick, it gets boring so fast. So we repacked it and put it away. His little brother will probably like it, but atual gamers should buy the PS3 or the Xbox 360 or even upgrade your PC. This is my honest opinion, grown people who like the Wii probably have never seen xbox360 or ps3 in action.
BTW playing galaxy, which I have seen footage of, wouldn't have swayed my opinion. So just leave that alone.
Listen man, I have a Wii and I agree, although fun, Wii Sports has bad graphics and really is a gimic game. But notice how Mario Galaxy is the greatest game of all time (check game rankings), and Metroid Prime 3 is supposed to be one of the best shooters in recent memory (alongside Halo 3, COD4 and a few others). Maybe if you didn't leave Galaxy alone it would change your mind, that's all I'm sayin.
By the way, my friend has a 360 and it's great, but he bought a Wii after and likes it better. Yes, he has Halo 3.
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