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Oh Happy Day!

The past few days have been great! A few weeks ago I managed to get three games for $10 each! The games were "The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning", "Spyro: A Hero's Tail", and "Drill Dozer".

Drill Dozer's been beaten for quite a while, but I'm still working on the Spyro games, though I think I'm almost done with A New Beginning which means I can go get The Eternal Night soon.

Screw what Gamespot says about the "The Legend of Spyro" series, they're freakin brilliant and fun!

I also went and picked up my pre-ordered copy of "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness" this Wednesday. It's really fun and just as addicting as Red Reescue Team was.

Thursday I also went and used a Gamestop coupon and got "Enchanted Arms". That RPG is awesome, though I really wish the battles weren't random*hates random battles*.

Lessens my Wish List at least and expands my collection, though with me every game I get adds three more to my Wish List, XD.

Dude, can you spare 30 bucks?

First person to guess what this post's title is based off of gets a free game (j/k).

But on to the point, I'm really excited about Brawl. The 9th is upon us! I'm also extremely psyched about the two new Tales games (Dawn of the New World and Vesperia) and Spore is making me giddy with anticipation.

Sadly, this elation is very brief because I, sadly, have no source of income. No allowance. No job. Nothing. I only really am paid to watch the neighbor's cat and fish when they're gone out of town (which isn't very often so even then...), other than that I'm worse than poor.

So what does that mean? It means I won't be able to get any new games for a while, unless the job I intend to have in the Summer lands me enough money to put aside for Spore and MAYBE, just maybe, another game. I can only get games during either my birthday, Christmas, or both. Last year was a disappointment because I only got at most 2 games (technically I got 3, but my aunt got the wrong game for me so it doesn't count), Twilight Princess and Wii Sports (which came with my Wii anyway). I can only hope this Christmas and birthday yield better resorts and maybe if I'm lucky my awesome gaming cousin can get me Brawl ( ^_^ ).


But yeah, I wish I could have enough money all the time to get more games. My wishlist is extremely long, after all*eyes it*.

Btw, this post's title isn't literal in case you couldn't tell, though I like money donations (j/k).

My Thoughts on Recent Events

I realize I haven't updated this thing in two years so I figured I'd do it now.

First of all I'd like to express my utter joy of Sonic being in Brawl. YAY! Now I have an even better reason to buy a Wii than Super Paper Mario!

Secondly, I'd like to say that I am pissed at the fact that EA thinks they have the right to buy Bioware at a time like this. I mean, they practically JUST announced that they were going to be making a Sonic RPG (a feat I've been dreaming of for YEARS), then this happens and now there's a chance that the in-production game might fall by the wayside with Sonic Xtreme and whatever other cancelled Sonic games there were.

*sigh*I hate EA enough as it is, but must they do this NOW? I mean, really...the things people do these days for money...damn greedy bastards...

The PTC Are Idiots...

My friend showed me the news article that named 'Family Guy' and 'American Dad' "not viewable for familys". Um, let's see maybe because they're meant for ADULTS. Did they ever think of that? But even still you can watch them around a 13 year old. Hell, I'm 13 and I watch those shows and understand it all! Personally, I think the PTC are blind, stupid, and run by 10 year olds! How dare they judge good quality shows! It'''s uncivilized!

Man this is bad....

I've had Pokemon XD for a few weeks now and I still can't even play it! Why? Because we're still unpacking and I haven't found my gamecube yet. Or any of my other Gamecube games for that matter. *sigh*I hope it turns up soon. I miss playing it*weeps*

Back Home Again

Well, I have now returned home to my bountiful collection of wonderous games. I still await the release of Twilight Princess and Shadow The Hedgehog.

I went to see Star Wars Episode 3 yesterday. Great movie^^. I wonder if the lego game of it is any good. hmmmmm.

I am now back to where I was stuck at in Baten Kaitos for like the 5th time. I came SO close to winning the Giacomo, Folon, and Ayme battle. I only had Giacomo left but the only character I had left standing was Mizuti and since he wouldn't give me time to heal, I died.......At least I know what stradegy to use now. Ayme first, Folon second, and Giacomo last. I suppose I could try a Giacomo, Folon, THEN Ayme stradegy but I'm not sure. Giacomo is pretty damn annoying. Meh.

I have a gaming partner!

For this week I will be at my cousin's house where he has TONS of games! I am happy.......very very happy^________^.

He's playing Kingdom Hearts on his Playstation 2 as I am writing this. I think I'll go watch.....seeya all later!

I am SO excited!

I can not wait for the new Shadow game to come out. I love Shadow! I hope I will have enough money by the time it comes out. I also can not wait for LOZ:Twilight Princess. That game looks so freakin cool. It's like God in a video game!O.O

I think I will have fun with both of them but I won't know till whenever they come out (which better be soon or I WILL start a mob!). I wish I could get a DS. But 150 Dollars is EXPENSIVE! Maybe if I'm lucky one of my relatives will get me one for my birthday or Christmas^_^.

I've restarted Baten Kaitos for about the 4th or 5th time now. I just can never seem to pass the fight with Giacomo, Folon, and Ayme-_-. Hopefully this time I'll be able to beat them and go on with the game. Baten Kaitos is an awesome gameo_o.

That's my life of video games for right now. Seeya!
