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XBox Live

Signed up for Live last night and it is all that is advertised. I played Halo last night and figured that I'd get completely owned, but I actually did ok and even won a couple matches.

I'll tell you what though, I haven't even gotten to the really good players yet and some of these guys are good.

I'm gonna give Ghost Recon a try online to see how I like a single player game I really haven't found it very interesting, but I have high hopes for internet play.

Keep on game'n.


I love video games, always have and always will. However, I love to watch College B-Ball also. What is a man to do?

The problem is made greater by the fact that my hometown team is ranked #1 in the nation, how do you not watch them.

I am wanting to play more Mercs and even subscribe to XBox Live, but I don't have the additional time between work, my family, College B-ball.

Oh well, it will all work out in the end.

Upcoming Consoles and Handhelds

I was reading in the forum one day and I read someone complaining about how their XBox is inferior to the XBoxes built today. Then he started complaining about people who wait until the price comes down to buy the system and started call them losers.

1) When these new systems come out, if they cost anywhere near what the XBox and the PS2 cost when they first came out....forget it.

2) Who is the bigger idiot..someone who paid $300 for an inferior machine or someone who waited to save a few bucks. I mean hey, my PS One was working just fine with the games I had.

Eventually I will own the 2nd XBox, but only after the price comes down. There are tons of games right now coming out on the XBox and currently out for the XBox that can keep me entertained for the next 2 years. I mean, I really doubt they take away Halo 2 from Live and if they do, I'll just set up a LAN party.

My wife wants the PSP, but if she thinks that I am paying $200 for a handheld, she's nuts. I'll wait till it comes down in price. I think it will be a great HH, but personally only a fool would pay full price. We bargain shop for homes, clothes, automobiles and such...why would we pay full price for a system?

Halo 2 LAN # 1

So I went over to my brother's this weekend, we hooked up 4 TVs and 4 Xboxes. There were 7 of us total...hopefully we will have more next time.

First I am so tired of him whining every time I kill him. I shot you 7000 times and you wouldn't die....of course my reply is always...but you only hit me once. :D

My favorite is, we were playing team slayer on Lockout and he and his cohorts were camping out in the same place they do every game. I went into the room armed with only a plasma sword.....they had shotguns....plasmas swords....brute on and so forth. Anyway I ran into the room and the mayhem insued...when the battle was over there were three dead Brown Team members and I walked away with only 3/4s of my shield gone.

Here came the complaints...I hit you 3 times in the back of the head....I shot you with three clip...I did this and that and didn't hurt you....try hitting me dippy. I can't help it if he can't hit the broad side of a barn.

Then came the motion sensor...he couldn't win a game without that thing on in team. I had 3 of the 4 weakest team members there and in the first 2 games we stomped them 50-36; 50-27. Then my brother had to have the motion sensor, "It's fairer for everyone"..Hey it isn't my fault that they don't look behind them every now and then.

I followed him all around the lockout one game until he stopped to peak out the door...60 seconds I followed him and he never looked soon as he stopped....CRACK in the back of the head. Then with the motion sensor on, he would just camp out behind a door and wait till he saw a red bleep....cowardice I tell you.

I had more respect for Jaz....he isn't very good, but he at least stayed with his party and tried to help.

To all of you who are sore loser...bite me!! I've gotten waxed many times by others...THAT'S HOW YOU LEARN. If you continually are getting your butt handed to you, then stop playing because you are not paying attention to what the good players are doing.

My rant is done.

Mercenaries Vol 5

I am trying to catch the Ace of Diamonds. I did a great job infiltrating the enemy in one of their tanks and blew up the atomic gun. I Ace of Diamonds appeared and I got a little over confident and got my butt shot up.

"Need a little patience...yeeeaahhhhh!"

Ace of are going down.

"Friday Night Lights"

No gaming last night.....fiddlesticks....but I did watch "Friday Night Lights".

When I saw the ads for this movie I thought this movie was really going to stink up the big screen. The advantage to watching a movie after it has been in the theatres is that all of the hype is gone.

Now they have been advertising on tv to buy the dvd, but they don't get into the details of the know the how they like to quote Ralph Ridicule...."The greastest movie since sliced bread..." so on and so forth.

This was a really good movie....and the sad part was a true story. I never lived in a town that lived or died football...we played, but it wasn't our life.

Anywho, without going into details...if you want to see a good football movie...pick it up and check it out.

Tonight however, Mercenaries beckons!!

Mercs Vol 4

Was a bloody night last night: I went after the King and Queen of Diamonds. I tried to take them alive, but do to an unfortunate weapons cleaning accident, they were both killed....oh well.

Taking down the Queen was actually a joke: I can't believe they made it that easy. However, taking down the King was considerably more difficult, but thanks to a moderate placement of C4 I was able to take down their guns.

I did, however, have to run like a little girl and hide...I called in support to fix myself up and needed a few extra weapons. I stole a jeep and was able to disguise myself as a NK. I infiltrated their front lines and stole a tank...mayhem ensued.

Needless to say, the King found himself on the wrong end of a barrel of a tank...:twisted:


"There are two things stopping you, fear and common sense"

Mercs Vol 3

So I have finally figured out how to stay under the AA radar in a helicopter. I have captured about half of my diamonds to date (haven't been playing as much..expecting a baby and have been painting, carpeting, putting things together in expectation of).

I just captured the nine of diamonds and I was using a NK tank and all of the sudden a NK tank killer helicopter showed up. Son of a gun, I got out of the tank before it blew up and hijaked the helicopter. When I ran out of rounds I blew it up with C4 and stole another tank and away I went.

He hid behind some Mobile Missle Launchers and I didn't really feel like getting my butt shot off by the 6 or 7 guys hiding behind them with him so I shot the Missle Launchers with the tank...oh did I enjoy the fire works.

Getting ready to go after the Jack, Queen and King....just need to be a little more patient.

Keep on gaming.

Mercs Vol 2

Well I captured the Ace of Spades last night. I was told that I would need Anti-Tank Rockets, but I found staying in the hills and shooting an RPG at the tanks works just as well.

For those reading this and playing the game, when you land try and free up the LZ as quick as possible. You can order a APC and you have about 4 or 5 guys that will climb in and help you take out the Communications Trucks.

I thought that the Jack to King of Clubs was harder than the Ace, but as Parapa the Rapper said - "Don't get cocky it's gonna get rocky!" LOL

Anyways I am into the Diamond cards and things are really starting to get fun. I have pissed of the Chinese and SC factions so much that I have to bribe them to let me do a mission for them so that I can get intel. Fortunately I can order their vehs and at sneak past all of the vehs out on the road wanting to kill me.

Mercenaries kiss all forms of butt...if you don't have it....get it.


Caught the Queen of Clubs last night.

After sniping the 6 lookouts, I went and killed all other soldiers. When I tried to enter the base I meet some stiff opposition. That is until I stole one of their tanks and as POD said "BOOM here comes the BOOM ready or not, how you like me know."

The hard thing was to not kill the Queen of Spades with the tank, but I did manage to take him alive. Kudos for me.

Just a couple more clubs and then I will go after the Ace of Clubs and then on to my next suite. All of you Merc haters can just shove off, this game is a ton of fun and I will get to spend endless hours of unnecessary violence.

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