I was reading in the forum one day and I read someone complaining about how their XBox is inferior to the XBoxes built today. Then he started complaining about people who wait until the price comes down to buy the system and started call them losers.
1) When these new systems come out, if they cost anywhere near what the XBox and the PS2 cost when they first came out....forget it.
2) Who is the bigger idiot..someone who paid $300 for an inferior machine or someone who waited to save a few bucks. I mean hey, my PS One was working just fine with the games I had.
Eventually I will own the 2nd XBox, but only after the price comes down. There are tons of games right now coming out on the XBox and currently out for the XBox that can keep me entertained for the next 2 years. I mean, I really doubt they take away Halo 2 from Live and if they do, I'll just set up a LAN party.
My wife wants the PSP, but if she thinks that I am paying $200 for a handheld, she's nuts. I'll wait till it comes down in price. I think it will be a great HH, but personally only a fool would pay full price. We bargain shop for homes, clothes, automobiles and such...why would we pay full price for a system?