Hey everyone, my first blog post in here, actualy, it would be the second, I had made a huge post a few days ago and then it got deleted while I was about to finish, man was that not frustrating, anyways, I will make my Wii overall review and analysis of its present and future in a while, but meanwhile, here are some toughts I wanted to share.
We have all heard Nintendo going strong with the whole "games for non-gamers", "expanding the industry", "even your mom can play" things.... But why? I mean, surely they could be up to that, but why is the industry, that means the developers, the publishers, etc, interested in such a thing, and even a more important question, why do gamers, like us care about that?
Well if you were asking yourself that question, then I understeand, I made myself that question plenty times in the past and I think I have finally found an answer; Market expansion and the broadening of gaming only equals a bigger industry, and a better industry, which ultimateley results in more growth, better games, more users, better software and better hardware.
How? We all saw what Sony did with the PlayStation, they made the exact same thing that Nintendo is doing right now, only on a smaller scale, they brought gaming to a bigger market, to the masses, now it wasnt just kids and teenagers, ,we had a more mature market, and every year, more gamers and more kind of gamers are brought into gaming.
Now allow me to explain what the Wii is trying to do; making gaming standard, to this point, gaming is still seen by some as a passtime, as something bad for kids, as something that is unhealty and something that just wastes your time. But if the Wii is sucessfull, as its alredy proven to be, then that means that more moms, more grandmoms, more grandpas are going to begin to understeand gaming, accept it, make it more socially acceptable, if non-gamers are brought in, then that means that the society will make another step towards accepting gaming, and that is important, if gaming is a more fundamental part of our society, where the NES and the PS1 helped, then that means that our industry is going to evolve, and gaming is gonna take a more important role.
Anyone who has a Wii has tried it on their parents, their friends, and like most of you, the results are incredible, my father who never touched a videogame......Yeah Im gonna skip that because we have all heard that a million times, but its not some fanboys ranting, its the truth, the Wii expands gaming, and thats something we all want.
Of course, I understeand the concern of not wanting to share and that if we have all this inclusive games, then Nintendo will forget about the hardcore gamers, I dont think thats really a financial problem for Nintendo, since the hardcore market is so small, but if ur one of those, should you be worried? No.
By expanding the market, that doesnt mean forgetting about the casuals, Zelda proves it, it has a huge attach rate, only smaller than Wii Sports(and Wii Play in Japan), and Nintendo isnt gonna stop pushing the Zelda's, The Mario's and I even think they are going for more than just that with projects like H.A.M.M.E.R and Disaster. Day of Crisis
Anyways, I am looking forward for your input in the comments!
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