So, I figured I'd write up a bit of a piece about the recent games I've backlogged. By recently backlogged, I mean games I've played in the past month or so which have gotten put on the back burner due to me being distracted by some other, newer game.
So, here we go:
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
(Yes, Dante from Devil May Cry IS in this game, and you CAN recruit him into your Demon Army)
This is actually the second time I've picked this game up. I started playing this again around the time when SMT: Strange Jourey came out for the DS> I'd had it pre-ordered, but decided to cancel it due to finances and the fact that the only other SMT game I've actually completed is Persona 3 (list of SMT games played: Raidou 2, Persona 4, Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment, Persona 1 PSP, Digital Devil Saga 1). So, rather than adding yet ANOTHER game I wouldn't actually end up beating to my collection, I decided to try and beat Nocturne. Which, by the way, is quite good.
I can't really talk much about the story without spoiling much, but it's basically a dark post-apocalyptic RPG where your goal appears to be to survive by building a demon army out of the demon's you've "captured," and to shape the new world that you've found yourself thrown into. Oh, and to find out WTF just happened, and perhaps to reunite with your old friends.
Pokemon: Soul Silver
All I can say is this: I played this on-stop for 3 days straight and really enjoyed it, but then the magic just suddenly... disappeared. And the game just wasn't fun anymore. Kinda like how after beating Diamond and having a bunch of post-game goodies open up, I just didn't feel like playing anymore. Gold/Silver were seriously my favourite games in the series, too, so I was SO hyped for the remakes. *Sighs* My Poke-ee-mons. T_T
Tales of Eternia
I really, really love the newer Tales games. Like, REALLY love. However, this love doesn't seem to extend quite so much to the older Tales games, the ones that use the basic Linear Battle System (Phantasia, Destiny, Eternia; however, Destiny Remake's battle system is AWESOME). I totally got to, like, just before the end of the game. And then a bunch of side-quests opened up, and I was kinda like, "Argh." And then I got distracted by...
Sengoku Rance
Basically a strategy eroge. You play as Rance, a foreign man who plans to unite Japan if only so he can have his way with all of the land's fine women. Has some pretty fun gameplay, and it's quite amusing to see how the game represents some famous Japanese historical figures.
Would still be playing this if I hadn't hit a brick wall due to a severe difficulty jump near the end o the game. Basically, there's this group called the Demon Army. I've managed to push them back to the far-left peninsula on the first Sengoku Rance image, but there's a few problems: I can't attack them without losing one of my commanders because of a stupid enemy commander who's so flamingly gay that he turns into a (literally) flaming bird who instantly perma-kills one of my own commanders, the Demon Army is brutally strong, I'm running out of money to heal my troops, and if I win a battle with female commanders in it at low health the Demon Army leader kidnaps and brutally rapes (literally) one of my poor female commanders, permanently removing her from my party. I think I may have to start myself a new game, now that I'm not so clueless and know how to not waste turns/money.
Thus concludes my (recent) backloggery of games. For those whoa re curious, I am currently exclusively playing Monster Hunter 3/Tri!