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Video Game Interface Quiz

A fun little quiz to test your video game knowledge. For all three categories, the questions are arranged from easiest to hardest. Good luck!

1. Health Icons

Find which game has the described health icons.

1. Honeycombs

2. Rays of a sun

3. Petals on a flower

4. Rings

5. Percent (%)

6. Diamonds in a zig-zag pattern

7. Watermelons

8. A vertical bar on the top left side of the screen with 28 notches

9. Filling in a feather

10. A circle that empties clockwise, changing colors from green to red.

2. Currency

Find which game has the described currnecy.

1. Coins

2. Rupees

3. Bells

4. Caps

5. Hearts

6. Florins

7. Pokos

8. Ollars

9. Zenny

10. Bol

3. Symbols

Find which game is represented by the described symbol.

1. A circle divided into four sections by a vertical bar and horizantal bar that meetnear the bottom-right corner.

2. A dragon made of blood.

3. A circle with a jagged "S" through it.

4. A circle with an off-center upside-down "V".

5. Curving arches with a dot in the center.