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Klapa1 Blog

Im back

so im gonna say HY TO ALL,it past so much time since ive benn on gamespot lol

so now i have much better pc and much better configuration,i dont want troubles :S


So much time

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's past so much time when Iwas on Gamespot(6 months)Well I'm back and ready to do my JOB!Yeah that's right,yeah...,yeah.I fell a positive energy when I'm on GAMESPOT.Maybe is funny to all of you,but it's true.I'm not joking around!:shock:I DON'T HAVE MUCH TEXT TO WRITE NOW...MAYBE LATER.....,....,......,....,....,....,MMMMMMM.....,....,...,...,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.,..,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,SEE YA LATER.................................,..........................,...................,............,:D

A whole new Spider-man!

First here is a picture.     I'm a huge fan of spider man games.I have them all.From Spider man 1 to The ultimate Spider man!Yeah that's right!ALL is a beautiful word but let's get on point.Spider man 3 coming soon to the cinema, I hope I will watched.Ticket is about 10$ with  POPCORN! 

Game?What about game?I will buy it but I don't know how much does it cost?Is anybody know please tell me OK!Capish yeah!                                 SPIDER MAN 3:D


Aliens here Aliens there ,aliens everywhere!Do they exist ?Yes they are. I saw one with my friends on Korcula!It was about midnight when we were sleepy when from nowere here it goes.It was like satelite dish but no it was an alien spaceship.I woke up and I freeze .On sky there were some lights green,  red and blue they was sepperate!There are many evidence for them!I was like this in the morning:| I cant belivet! Here is a picture!HE-HE-HE-HE

I'm sick

I'm sick of some games I can't past.I play FIFA STREET 2 for a 7 monts , and I delete it from my memory card!Now i play TEKKEN 5 and I cant past it either!Maybe I'm not too god?!

Well I'm in one hand lucky.I have a  thirty games for playing.My best game is MK SHAOLIN MONKS.I play MK SHAOLIN MONKS 5 days and past it!

And not only I'm sick of games,I'm really,really  sick.I have a headache and i sneeze!Soo bye bye for a few days!!!!!!

No one lives forever 2

No one lives forever 2 is the best game I ever play!I past the game in 2 month!It's hard but not too hard!I like that game !Some of my friends are plays that and they say that is good game!Some of my neighbour!

Playstation 3

Hello!I would like to buy PS3 butt I'dont know is that good idea!I have now PS1 and PS2!My mum siad "If you be good you will get it".Ps3  will be expencive 3000$!!I think it will be worth to buy it!I don't know!!!!!!

Level 6

Ahhhhhhhhh!The six is my lucky number,when I se number 6 I fell good! 3 months I-m not be on GameSpot , that is really bad! But I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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