I'm glad he has the same taste as me. I found critics towards Armageddon to be unbelievable (the movie got extremely low average scores on Metacritics) despite the fact that it's my most favorite movie. "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" has also become my all time favorite song. Still, his personality doesn't seem to be great, but it's not like everyone can be a saint anyway and I'm sure the molestation things he was accused of might just be a normal behavior of people in Japan to let their frustration of their superior on their workers.
Will "The Last of Us" have 1M polygons just for a single character? That's impossible! Only CGI can have that kind of insane amount of polygon count! :(
It's impossible for games to run on par with graphics rivaled that of CGI movies but just better graphics to become closer to PC games today is more than enough for Wii U. I still don't really like its premise though. They could have customized 3DS to work as controller for Wii U instead, since the controller with gyro and touch screen should already be very expensive.
Vita looks good and the dual joystick is a very nice improvement from the old PSP. I really hate playing shooters on PSP since it's damn hard and troublesome than playing on console.
They should stop making games. The CEOs should embezzle the money the got as much as possible before closing their company. If there's no game publisher, game developers will have a hard time making a decent game and almost impossible to make high budget game, much less commersial. Then ten thousand or more people will lose their job. Those that study expecially for video game developer will have no future and commit suicide. Countries like Japan and South Korea will lose a large sum of GDP from the total collapse of gaming industry. Pro Stracraft players will sink so low they'd jump from the skyscraper or shooting people at GAMESTOP (obs, it was North korean and they don't even have internet, teh hehe! :P ). :( But hey! Even if there's no new games, we still have our wonderful Mario, Zelda, Halo, GOW and JRPGs to play for our whole life so don't worry! :D
Resolution matters. High resolution setting in this game is impressive. DoF and that other setting are wasted though. I wonder if that $600 PC that can run Crysis 2 well have 1024MB GPU. :)
Kleeyook's comments