It seems every hit title is now bound to have a pre-order bonus but only if you order from a particular game store like Gamestop. I hate how this is becoming more and more part of games lately. There is a problem that is really bugging me though. Different stores offer different content, so you will no matter what be denied content depending on where you buy the game. Most of the times pre-order bonuses dont become downloadable, forcing you to go websites like Ebay and buy it from there if you really want it and that is asinine. As much as I would like to have it I wont pay some extra money for it and I shouldnt have to. Its not worth going through all that trouble and while I'm already talking about such things as pre-order bonuses, let me tell you something about DLC.
DLC or Downloadable Content has been growing more into gaming for a while now. I dont mind some of it but the way things are going, I'm never going to get DLC again. The prices are getting insanely high and dumbed down. As for a example, Modern Warfare 2's Map Packs. Go online, check it out, and tell me thats a good deal....
Thought so, now I dont like Modern Warfare 2 or those kinda games but its ridiculous to charge for something like a Map Pack such an amount. With that money you could get a bunch of good arcade games. But sadly even arcade games are getting overpriced now, games that should be a couple dollars or less are being charged for way more then what they are actually worth. With some arcade titles just utterly being bad I could of got a good PC game for that.
On another note about DLC, lots of it is now coming out that should of been just part of the actual game and not been sold as DLC. Its just everyone trying to sqeeze a little more money out of us while their neverending greed continues.
Moving on we have games on demand. These games are overpriced, I have compared it and I find this to be totalBS They charge so much more for just a digital copy, games can be aquired for less online.
Im mostly talking about Xbox Live here but the thing is its getting worse in the industry. PSN has alot of the same problems.
This industry will continue to increase prices and charge more for less. Why? Because everyone seems to buy it no matter what. Soon its going to get so bad that gaming will charge you for even more. Especially if people like Kotick get their way, everyone needs to say: "NO, we wont pay this abusurd price for content and NO, we want full games without portions missing and having to pay for it.
Im not sure if you agree with me or not but this is how I feel
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