Yeah..... why..... I dont know its for example very boring to go one **** hour to a city where only a guy is who give you a quest.... I mean look at guild wars (prophecy, factions or nightfall) you can travel to cities only by one **** click.... so whats better..... Wait know WoW fans think "its interresting to go there because of the creatures" Then I answer them "Why you want to see such a **** creature????? To fight it???? But what if somebody beat it, before you´ll can do it???? Then the hard work to beat a creature will be a waste of time!"
So something positive about WoW its such a huge world oh man and yeah that was it with the positiv things about WoW.
If you like huge level than buy WoW but if you like graphics... story and if you dont like to buy every month a card that you can play a game than buy gw f/n
PS:gwp havent a story....
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