Koiji / Member

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Okay, so a lot has happened since Xenosaga...

I beat Xenosaga Episode III, and started Final Fantasy XII (though I
started it before I finished Episode III; shame on me, I know).

I've beaten Liberty City Stories, Guitar Hero II, and finally (!) Burnout 3.

I got a 360, and I beat Kameo, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Crackdown, Dead or Alive 4 (unlocked everything, taking my time with the achievements), King Kong, and Perfect Dark Zero. You can see my gamercard for full details on those.

I know, I'm an achievement whore. My score is only 3650 right now, but I'm not done with a lot of my current games, and I have a ton more I have yet to start (just gotta take them one at a time).

I'm working on: Vice City Stories (very good, slow at first, but great later on) and Burnout Revenge (so glad I waited for 360 version).

Sadly, though, through all of this, I have not finished Final Fantasy XII. I liked it, it just didn't have anywhere near the spark the rest of the series had. I'll finish it, I just don't feel like it now. And forcing myself to finish a game doesn't leave me with a good taste of it, so I try to avoid doing that.

Oh, and I've acquired a bunch more games including:
Silent Hill 2 (PS2, been meaning to get the PS2 version for a long time); Silent Hill 4 (one PS2 version, one Xbox version); SSX On Tour (PS2); Guitar Hero II (360); Final Fantasy VI (GBA); Syphon Filter 2 & 3 (PSone, which I got together for under $5 both new and sealed original black label); Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories; and all the above 360 games...
Oh, and I've been more of a collector than usual, and I now own 5 brand new and sealed copies of Xenosaga Ep. I (black label). Two sealed copies of Ep. II, two limited edition Xenosaga DVDs (the Ep. II preorder bonus); and I'm working on more. I plan to sell sets on ebay one day. They're already rising in price. =)