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Happy Holidays

Enjoy your winter break and party hard! but not too hard... i'm gonna game on till i can't no more :D

All Alone Again

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a poem:

"Nothing Better"

As I'm walking down the empty streets

As the dull artificial light of a streetlamp lights my path

I can't help but notice how

I love this quiet solitude

And while the stars are outshone by the pollutant city lights

And while the man on the moon's smile is being ignored

I can't help but notice

I love it because I've never known anything better

you can't look at the weather without people suspecting you of murder

Seriously, where did we go wrong?  I can't stand in front of the window and look out to see how bad the day is without a bunch of old people freaking out.  Or maybe it wasn't me, maybe it's just the weather.  But is it kind of weird to see person and a dog standing behind a glass door and staring out at nothing? Maybe people worry...

just laugh at the title, that's all there is to it

Got it!!!... Finally!!!

Yesss!  I finally got a PS2 and Kingdom Hearts & One Piece Grand Battle! This is sooo awesome!  I'm a little peeved that my sister stained my PS2 and got crumbs in the vent, though.

Really, this is the second time she's done this.  When I let her borrow my PS1 when she moved away she burned it!  Now it's pretty much hers.  Not gonna let her touch this one though! Haha.

It's pretty pathetic that I didn't get KH till now. I mean the second ones almost here. Oh well, I'm gonna play One Piece now and save KH till the weekend so I won't have any distractions.

Yesssss! *Victory pose*

Happy Day v.2


Here's the colored the version of the previous pic.  It's not as good as I wanted because it was rushed at literally the last minute for christmas for my cousin.  I finished it the night before we were leaving for our family Christmas lunch thing.

I had a lot of trouble with the skin tone and because I rushed so much a lot of the shading is messed up. ><

Happy Day!


"Happy Day" my favorite drawing in my sketchbook, given to a friend for her birthday

comments plz

Notice Me

OK, I'm just going to fill this up with poetry and songs by my made-up band Punk Rock Kill (PRK). So anyone not interested turn away now and never look back. Not like too many people were reading this anyway, but whatever. So this one is by Killer of PRK. He writes most of the depressing ones.

Notice Me

Why won’t you notice me?

Hey you!

Notice me!

See me here

I can’t stand here all day

just because of you

that one little moment

I thought it was real

was it just pretend?

Hey! Why won’t you notice me?

why must I wait here

standing all alone

why won’t my affection

make you come my way

I thought it was something special

just between you and me

I guess there’s something I’m missing

Please! Just notice me!

there’s no one better

maybe for you

but not for me

I’m tired and I’m lonely

standing out in the rain

Hey! You!

Notice me!

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