Kokoro360 / Member

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I dunno about Sony....

All this hype over the PS3 last year and such really boosted my expectations about the Sony press conference this year.

I have to say that I found it quite boring. Other than Heavenly Sword and MGS4, it wasn't all that great.I wonder what the cows will be saying now, since Sony hasn't yet delivered those Killzone2 graphics in real time. Heh, Sony never ceases to surprise....

Microsoft was....alright. They delivered the most variety, but other than Gears of War, nothing too mind blowing (Not even the Halo 3 trailer surprised me..)

Nintendo did better than what was expected. They completely turned around from last year and probably delivered the best surprises. (other than the PS3 $600 price, that was rediculous)

As for best company this year, I believe it will be Ubisoft. Best 3rd party developer in my opinion....

Well, that's all for now...