Well, valve have gone and done it. They've been "cleansing" tf2 so that any people who ever used the idling program will lose all the items they've gained. And in return to everyone who didn't use the app they'll get a shiny new halo hat. Being that around 95% of all people playing TF2 don't browse the forums constantly they'll just log in to change their gear and see a pop-up saying "Congratulations, you didn't cheat. Here's a shiny prize for you in return" and they'll have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but they're sure going to enjoy finally getting a hat. I know because But this is just for people who used the 3rd app program and not for the people who just joins an idle server in the game. Why it's so much worse in the eyes of valve to use a program to idle whilst you play another game than joining idle servers, I don't understand. On the other hand they've significantly increased the chance for a hat drop so that normal people playing just a few rounds each time they play will be able to get one too, instead of just idlers.
Honestly when I heard about the class updates I was like "how could this be any better?" because the chance to do play the game well & get rewarded with new weapons for it was indeed awesome. But when they released the hat update I could instantly see that this would not end well. On one hand I could see that my spy indeed WOULD look cooler with the fedora, but on the other hand I could see that the very low drop rate would cause a lot of frustration to many people, including me, who could play for several hours in a row without getting anything. And this was not just several hours on one day, in fact the drop rate was as low as 0.3% every 5 hours.
But good news for everybody, the drop rate has apparently increased by a lot, so go play and get that hat you always wanted! Also go check out www.tf2items.com