The TF2 no-hat epidemic
by Kolkina on Comments
It's basically just like a kid who can't get what he wants, he sees something that someone else has and then he thinks to himself "Hey, I want that too" so he'll try to get the hat, but in this case there's nothing you can do since the chances of getting a hat is 0.3% every 4-5 hours or so. So of course they start to whine about how unfair it is that some people can brag about having a hat which adds nothing else than a little visual luxury. Truth be told, I was almost gonna ragequit TF2 forever when I found out I couldn't get my sweet fedora, which by this day I still don't have, but if I finally got that hat I don't think I'd care so much about it. It's pretty much like if everyone got the hats noone would care about them, all they add is a little uniqueness and for the people who get the hat it's probably the sweetest thing ever. Plus if you get a hat with someone you don't usually play with you're probably going to play a lot more with that class since you want to show everyone that YOU have a hat and they don't. So if everyone got a hat it wouldn't be special. It'd be just like any other engineer in the game, they wouldn't stand out in the crowd and be able to brag about their new hats and then nobody would care. You people only complain because YOU are not the one able to brag about your cool new hat