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Fed up of the word 'kiddie' !

I posted this on the System Wars forum. I decided to write it in my blog as well because, well, if anyone actually reads this, it would be nice of you if you could drop acomment on what you think about it. Defining the word 'kiddie'... it's a mater of interpretation. If I compare Resident Evil 4 and God of War -- Both are violent, and both have blood. However for some reason, I find RE4 'cool' in its interpretation because it never really got in the way of my gameplay experience, while God of War, I was sort of disgusted bythe violence display of that game. I also find it ridiculous that people comment on games not being 'mature', defining them as kiddie, while other, over-mature games if I may say so, are never commented upon. Grand Theft Auto SA is a great example. Hot Coffee was a big marketing disaster because it got public, but even if it wasen't for the actual display, the concept itself was ridiculous... even before the mod unlock/patch/whatchacallit. To actually have to pick up a virtual girl, take her out and end up in your house (playing tic-tac-toe, of course) is a pretty dumb and immature game concept if you ask me. God of War's display of boobies in the FMV's and exaggerated violence, such as humans being split in half by Kratos, is in my opinion what 'kiddie' really means... because if you ask me ,that game would have been just as good, if not better, without those details. While we define 'cutesy' and 'simple' as 'kiddie', it's actually what we define as 'mature' that makes kids and immature people giggle. And this isn't about Nintendo vs. SONY vs. Microsoft game collections. It's about games, period. Kingdom Hearts is a fantastic game, ON PLAYSTATION 2, and is cheered as being one of the best RPG's ever. It's got Disney content! How come nobody feels immature when playing those games ? It's obvious the word 'kiddie' has become an unfounded insult versus Nintendo and its enjoyable-for-everyone games, but it's quite clear that only kids actually agree with it. When you're a 10 years old kid, you enjoy your Disney movie. When you're 16, you stay away from those things cuz you wanna look like a bad boy to your friends (and that hot girl)'s eyes, but once you're 21+ and have enough in you to call yourself mature, you don't mind watching a Disney movie [with a girl!] cuz you can finally admit they're fun stories. Very psychological, nothing new to who we are as humans, but it's still very annoying... because the way I see it, it's forgivable when it comes from a lil' fanboy kid that posts in a forum, but when you hear it from a 3rd party, it's very disappointing. Words have big values in marketing, and Nintendo is stuck with that one... I hope Revolution fixes that once and for all !