Go to the 3rd video down for SupCom that says "Matiz vs Scyn"
Footage from the Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Beta, as two ranked players play a full game. Match is around 18 minutes long before the victor is decided.
For those who know SupCom, here areJUST A FEW changesin Forged Alliance:
1. The economy system is hihgly modified. Mass Extractors have a much much larger boost (+18 mass for a T3 extractor with no adjacency bonuses on it), and it's now WORTH fighting for map control to get them. You can't build Mass Fabricators anymore untill T2, and even then they are pretty nerfed in thier usefullness (1 mass for -150 power for a T2 mass fab, and 12 mass for -3000 power. Not to mention they explode in a much larger radius now). However they are still usefull in later game where you want to bring out huge things, and both players have gotten all the mass extractor spots they could get.
2. Nukes and what not are now much cheaper. It takes alot less resources and time to build a nuke, but Missle Defense is also alot cheaper. However, each missle takes longer to build, and assisting a nuke to make it build faster will not do much.
3. All factories have x2 build time, but x2 production speed. In effect this makes building more than one factory more usefull, as engineers won't be able to give massive build speed boosts from assisting. They will still give a boost, but after 3-4 engineers assiting, there isn't much that will affect the unit being built faster.
HOWEVER each faction gets a building that will auto-constuct/repair/reclaim anything around it. This building is very usefull for assisitng factories, as it has alot of build/assist power.
4. All units are faster, and respond much faster to orders. Bullet projectile speeds are also increased for alot of units.
5. Tech 2 units are really really leathal and will OMG PWN anything from Tech 1. However, you can't rush to Tech 2 without completely screwing yourself over, due to it's cost and time it takes to upgrade. It's much easier to build up a Tech 1 tank force, and if you rush to Tech 2, you will be swarmed from Tech 1 units too. The same goes for Tech 3. In effect, this makes each tech level more balanced, and fluid. You will see more of Tech 1 (previously people just skipped tech 1 and rushed to tech 2 stuff), and more of Tech 2, and the same amount of Tech 3, instead of peopel strait up rushing to tech 2/3 now.
6. Experimental units are much cheaper, and faster, but are more easily counterable.
7. Turrets dont own everything anymore. They are still good, but 10 Tech 2 turrets won't completely hold off a well balanced force, and they won't do too much damage against Tech 3 units.
Overall from the Beta, Forged Alllaicne's gameplay is much much more smoother than that of orignal SupCom when it was first reelased. There are ton's of performance and graphics tweeks (runs 3x better than normal SupCom did at first) as well, and alot more "personal touch" on the visuals (zoomed out gives you a steel-looking plating around your map, the UI is improved, there is landmass visible outside of the map, the fog of war is compeltely changed, ect).
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