I watched it at the cinema and loved it. But that was due to the connections it brought from the game.
I watched it a few months after on DVD and started hating. Seeing how boring of a story it actually was. Scenes were dedicated to poor structural points.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Wrath of the Lich King movie made. As that story should be fairly simple to get through to non wow players.
Massive disappointment in this title. Played the beta enjoyed it a ton, then bought the special edition with season pass. Major regret it, quot playing the game since just before Survivals release.
Getting bored of pvp style content being forced first and the rest is just a rehashed difficulty.
Least it's made me wiser and not to purchase season passes before we know the full details.
I can't stand fake/acting to play video games. I know the advert was meant to have a slight comedic style. But any time someone fakes playing a game it just bugs me.
If it's a silly comedy movie like step brothers, it'll be a good laugh.
I'm not sure why this woman is famous. She makes piss poor jokes about how she is ugly... Then finds new ways to show off the same old joke. (well from the TV advert of her show on UK Comedy Central does).
The game has improved, but it's still the same old mess. Less bullet sponge mobs, and the content till feels forced to group up once you hit a certain level of gear. Lack of interesting tier sets, makes it a game I play every so often to check what's new, and that's about it.
It's a shame this new survival wasn't also a 4 player squad game with the same mechanics. I'm not that hyped for it to release on ps4, May try it out as I had purchased the season pass when it released. So far I've barely touched the game since the refined patch
Kos1c's comments