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Kotor_Forever Blog

We'll miss you, steve

As many of you know know, steve Irwin died early last night.  I am really going to miss him.  I used to quite actively watch him, and just this morning I clicked to go to internet and saw the story on the front page.  We love you steve, and rest in peace.

Sony is invincible

With Japan currently in a headlock, and the U.s. market closely following that path, I have to ask myself if Wii60 can triumph in the mist of all of sony's lies and corruption.  The only reasons sony has been winning for the past years on every continent is because they rip off everything they see.

Controller:  Motion Senstitivity
                  Dual triggers

This is only one small example that a person that is not a hardcore gamer would easily miss.  That is sony's market, and they will never become wise to the truth.  But the future is starting to look brighter.  There is the possibility of a kind of partnership between nintendo and MS.  If this happens, sony will have to put up the fight of the century to win. 

I still can't believe how dumb some people are about it on gamespot.  The moderaters won't even let you put this somewhere unless it is specified as the purpose of the thread.  Even if you're just making small chat.  It's pathetic.  But as I said earlier, the future is getting brighter.  System wars thread is currently being dominated by MS and nintendo fans.  Sony's days of invincibility are numbered.

Anti-PS3 rising

The union is growing very quickly.  On most days, at least 2 people will join.  I know that an ideal started a long time ago is finally being realized by more and more people.  No matter what happens in the next console war, sony will never be the true winner.

E3 is coming.

Sony is going to fall flat on it's face this E3. MS has so much stuff coming. There is no way Sony could have the PS3 ready for launch this year, too much hype. If they do release it this year, it won't live up. If they release next year, MS will have the upper hand and the Ps3 games still probably won't live up to the hype. MS has employed so many amazing stratagies in the console war that by 2008, it will be possible for MS to take back the American market.

Shoot em up Union (waste of time)

I was recently invited into the union and thought it to have pretty weak structure.  So I figure that I was kind enough to spend my time posting here instead of a different place.  So I put an ad for the Anti-PS3 union in and the leader and an officer freak out on me.  People need to lighten up.  As long as they post it in the union apphiliates page I don't care about union advertising.  I did not see any apphiliates page.  So it's they're own fault.  So I resigned from the union and went on to better unions.

The Anti-PS3 Union

  This union is really starting to shape up.  It's taking a while to get to a platoon and active duty.  There just aren't enough people who realize what sony is trying to do.  People only believe what they see nowadays.  No one will look past the lies and see the truth.  Sony is trying to take down microsoft.  Sony may have been here first, but that gives them no business to try and put MS out of business.  The only hope for MS to stay in the console business is if they win the American market.