I hadn't viewed it like that previously but now that you put it this way I'm actually kind of excited. Microsoft could do with you in their marketing department.Although I didn't like the original Kinect, and I don't like paying for something I don't want, fact is that, in order for Kinect to actually be used creatively and usefully in games, Microsoft had to make this move. It's controversial, yes, but, if they really believe in Kinect's ability to improve games, taking the risk of increasing the price to force it on us was the right call.
Developers now know that every Xbox One gamer has Kinect, whereas now only a percentage does on 360. If you're a developer who's interested in integrating Kinect into the experience of the game, knowing everyone has one is much more enticing than knowing that only some users do.nyc05
Kraken422's forum posts
The Kinect being bundled with every XBox One is a decision we're not all happy with, a lot of us see it as forcing us to pay for something we don't want. Gimmicky motion control games aren't for me and I believe I'm not alone here. Kinect needs to be a tool that has developers saying, "I can finally do that" rather than "How can I fit this into my game".So what can Kinect do that could actually enhance a game?
According to Microsoft Kinect can monitor your heart rate and emotion and I want to see developers use this technology to tailor your gaming experience to how you're experiencing the game. Imagine an action game adapting the music to how you're responding to the situation. A horror game adapting AI to respond to your anxiety levels. Imagine running away from the Slender Man and hearing your own heartbeat in your ears. Your character feels your fear, your enemy smells it. This wouldn't only be a gimmick this would enhance immersion and the overall gaming experience.
I hope I'm not the only one thinking like this, I hope the people who make the games are because if they can implement this then I will want a Kinect. Wouldn't you?
First off great post, TC. I appreciate the objectiveness. I am buying an xboxone, and a PS4. I owned both offerings for two gens now, so I'll do so again. Is the hatejustified? I believe that is a personal thing for each individual to answer. But if you're a cow, or sheep, or hermit, who was never going to buy a competitor's system, why do you care? You know who you are people. You know your love of a company and hate for another wasnt going to change no matter what they x1 was offering. I have no problem with 24 hour checks, have never lost internet for a day, unless it happened in field deployment training. And if it does I'll play another system, or get this.......read a book. I know I'm weird. Kinect always on and "what if they're spying on me" is such a BS, complaint. Everyone and their mother has cell phone with a camera these days. Nobody gets away with anything, because we film ourselves. And if you have something to fear, then maybe you need to be watched? Used games is a negative, no doubt. I see the possible positives for devs, but bottom line it will hurt x1 sales, and I expect a change after sluggish sales. The price tag doesnt bother me, but they could've set themselves up for a $350 price if they offered it without kinect. That would have been killer. Bad move MS. Still, it will have games I want to play that PS4 doesnt so I will be buying it.cainetao11
Thank you for replying in the spirit of the post, it's nice to hear an well formed opinion on the matter.
I agree with you on all points the only difference being I apparently don't have as much money as you. I would love to buy both consoles but that won't be a possibility for a while yet. For someone in my position(student), where money is tight, the price of the XBox One will have an effect. Had they not bundled it with the Kinect and made it $350-$400 then it would become a much more viable option for people like me. Make me want to buy the Kinect, don't make me have to buy it.
I have answered these, in the original post. I was hoping to hear other people's views on these things, see if my opinions made them look at things in a different light or if they'd make good points that would shift my opinions. It's called a discussion, I was just wanting a discussion.Is having to connect online (within 24hrs) to play offline games justified?
Is not being able to sell your games directly to friends or through e-bay justified?
Is having tight restrictions on loaning a game to a friend (only once) justified?
Is $100 more than the main competing console (with no discernable technical advantage) justified?How you answer these will answer your own question.
Yes. DRM and always-online policies are not nessesary. At all.
Microsoft defends it by calling their system "the future," but being restrictive is not the future of gaming. Cloud gaming may require you to be online, and yes, you can't trade digital copies, but there is absolutely no reason why those limitations should be applied to the physical copies as well. The PS4 is a more capable device while still being open to consumers and developers. Being open is a more future-proof strategy than being restrictive. Provide the tools and let the developers and publishers decide.
Yeah, actually they are necessary so devs can make money you greedy f*ck. And MS IS PROVIDING THE TOOLS AND LEAVING IT UP TO THE PUBS. If there was NO used game market, then it wouldn't be restrictive, It would be freeing.
I think it's an interesting debate whether or not used games increase or reduce sales. Automatically you'd assume they affect sales negatively because the same game gets bought twice but does the option or resale mean that more people buy the game new in the first place? I certainly don't have the answers to this but I'm sure it's something the publishers are looking into.It's my understanding that Microsoft published games can not be lent to friends but can be resold. There is uncertainty surrounding whether other publishers resale policy and I can appreciate that the uncertainty in itself is an issue for some gamers. Can 3rd party publishers allow games to be lent? It's my understanding that no lending or borrowing of games is system wide.When I say this people say I'm an MS fanboi.
And you didn't mention that the used game policy is up to pubs.
I couldn't have said it better myself.... Wait a minute...You know I was about to say
The response to the XBox One has been astounding, it seems that everyone has jumped on the hate bandwagon, but is that hate justified?
There seems to be four key issues causing the gaming community's negative response; 24 hour checks, Konnect always-on, the used game policy and the price. Are these really issues, or is a community notorious for whining simply whining again?First things first let's look at the 24 hour online check-in. In my opinion this isn't too bad, we(gamespot users) all have the internet as does the vast majority of people in the market for a console. If your internet is regularly down for more than 24 hour periods that's something you should take up with your ISP not Microsoft. In regards to this particular issue it seems that people got all worked up by the always-on rumour that once they turned out to be false they never got worked down.
The next issue is Konnect always being on and the fear that it's going to spy on you, to me this is blown out of proportion even more than the 24 hour check-in. People's phobia towards Konnect suggests that there is either a serious issue with paranoia or people are looking to hate the XBox One. While it's true that the XBox One will most likely record information about your preferences for commercial gain it's going to be no more than Google or Facebook do. It won't be recording you while it's in stand-by (this is easily tested by someone in the know) in fact Konnect almost definitely will not be part of the XBox One's information farming at all. Microsoft really can't get anything of much value for them through a camera.
At this point your probably thinking, "Oh God! Another Microsoft Fanboy", but I'm actually trying to be objective and approach this from a non-biased point of view, something that's been happening very little on this site. So now a look at the used games policy, and this is where things start to get negative. While I personally don't but or resell my games I appreciate that a lot of other people do and anything that puts the possibility and affordability of this in doubt IS a bad thing. The part of this that bothers me is not being able to lend games. My brother and I both own 360s, we lend each other games regularly and it's the same with my friends. The used game policy is a definite issue, and while it might not be enough to refuse to buy the console it can't be ignored.
Finally the price. It's $100 more expensive than it's main competitor. Why? You get more, kind of. Yes I'm quite sure that the reason for the higher price tag is Microsoft's attempt to make a media platform, but here's the thing, I just want a games console. I don't want to pay extra for a Konnect unit who's features don't appeal to me. I don't want to pay extra for TV integration that doesn't only not appeal to me but probably isn't available in my country. I'm sure I'm not alone on this front, having to pay for features we aren't going to use is an issue.
So what will I buy? XBox One or PS4? Well at this point it's too early to say. As always I'm going to wait a while for the price drop but my decision isn't going to be based on any of the issues stated above, my decision is going to be based on exclusives. Consoles are for games and games are what should dictate which console we buy. XBox One certainly has some down sides but if I prefer it's games library that's the console I'll purchase. If PS4 has the better games library then I'll be buying a PS4.
Now I want to know what you think. Which, if any of these issues are going to stop you from buying an XBox One? What is most important to you when buying a new console? Have I missed key issues with the XBox One? And most of all: Is the XBox One hate justified?Not really.
Okay people seem to be viewing this thread as picking sides (^ case in point) I was actually trying to get some intellectual discussion about the issues I mentioned in my original post. It's my few that 24 hour check-in and Kinect "spying" are non-issues while the used games policy and price are issues but won't stop me from buying the console if the game library is good enough. What are your opinions on each of these issues? Do they mean no matter how brilliant the game library is you won't buy an XBox One?The backlash is justified #DealWithIt
Seriously? Have you ever payed attention to this site? People love bitching and complaining especially if they think people will take their side. As for me being in damage control I don't work for Microsoft, I have no reason to be in damage control. If you read my whole post you will see that I do criticize aspects of the XBox One, I'm not saying that it deserves no criticism, I'm saying that people are blowing things out of proportion and latching onto non-issues. Some XBox One hate is justified, to a degree, but not to the extent shown by Gamespot users and not across the board.People wouldn't be in an uproar if there was nothing to be pissed about. You're just trying some damage control.
The response to the XBox One has been astounding, it seems that everyone has jumped on the hate bandwagon, but is that hate justified?
There seems to be four key issues causing the gaming community's negative response; 24 hour checks, Konnect always-on, the used game policy and the price. Are these really issues, or is a community notorious for whining simply whining again?
First things first let's look at the 24 hour online check-in. In my opinion this isn't too bad, we(gamespot users) all have the internet as does the vast majority of people in the market for a console. If your internet is regularly down for more than 24 hour periods that's something you should take up with your ISP not Microsoft. In regards to this particular issue it seems that people got all worked up by the always-on rumour that once they turned out to be false they never got worked down.
The next issue is Konnect always being on and the fear that it's going to spy on you, to me this is blown out of proportion even more than the 24 hour check-in. People's phobia towards Konnect suggests that there is either a serious issue with paranoia or people are looking to hate the XBox One. While it's true that the XBox One will most likely record information about your preferences for commercial gain it's going to be no more than Google or Facebook do. It won't be recording you while it's in stand-by (this is easily tested by someone in the know) in fact Konnect almost definitely will not be part of the XBox One's information farming at all. Microsoft really can't get anything of much value for them through a camera.
At this point your probably thinking, "Oh God! Another Microsoft Fanboy", but I'm actually trying to be objective and approach this from a non-biased point of view, something that's been happening very little on this site. So now a look at the used games policy, and this is where things start to get negative. While I personally don't but or resell my games I appreciate that a lot of other people do and anything that puts the possibility and affordability of this in doubt IS a bad thing. The part of this that bothers me is not being able to lend games. My brother and I both own 360s, we lend each other games regularly and it's the same with my friends. The used game policy is a definite issue, and while it might not be enough to refuse to buy the console it can't be ignored.
Finally the price. It's $100 more expensive than it's main competitor. Why? You get more, kind of. Yes I'm quite sure that the reason for the higher price tag is Microsoft's attempt to make a media platform, but here's the thing, I just want a games console. I don't want to pay extra for a Konnect unit who's features don't appeal to me. I don't want to pay extra for TV integration that doesn't only not appeal to me but probably isn't available in my country. I'm sure I'm not alone on this front, having to pay for features we aren't going to use is an issue.
So what will I buy? XBox One or PS4? Well at this point it's too early to say. As always I'm going to wait a while for the price drop but my decision isn't going to be based on any of the issues stated above, my decision is going to be based on exclusives. Consoles are for games and games are what should dictate which console we buy. XBox One certainly has some down sides but if I prefer it's games library that's the console I'll purchase. If PS4 has the better games library then I'll be buying a PS4.
Now I want to know what you think. Which, if any of these issues are going to stop you from buying an XBox One? What is most important to you when buying a new console? Have I missed key issues with the XBox One? And most of all: Is the XBox One hate justified?
tl;dr Is the XBox One hate Justified? What is important to you when buying a console?
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