if you look at any of the latest video card news youd see that they are going to push out a new line of video cards for the holiday season, i'd suggest waiting til then,
otherwise in 3 months your brand new 1000$ computer will already be outdated
bought ATI card a long while ago, it was so terrible, i decided never to buy an ATI card again. Best decision ever. You will see tons of issues with ati cards not supporting various features, while nvidia is 100% flawless.
If you want cheap, dont buy a video card just yet, black friday is near.
Also for chrismass they will roll out a new set of cards, and all the current cards will be reduced in price greatly.
My general opinion is to ignore these kiddies who have no idea what you are looking for, also, research your choices wisely, check the comparison on performance before you buy them, most the times its not even worth the money to pay more and only gives a slight boost in performance.
if you bother to look at their site for once youd see it is full of shoddy manufacturers listing their products for "sale" (really just trying to get rid of a poor selling piece of crap)
to the tool who cannot google for a barebone kit, youre just looking for easymode way of not retorting clear and concise valid reasoning why you should not buy a gtx460
If you cannot run any of the newest games on a single gtx460 at a locked 60+ fps with all options on full, you are seriously doing it wrong. It should not be 2 cards and it only running at a "respectable" rate ,
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