What's up boys and girls? Here is a new blog from me called:"My Gaming Background!".
Well, I told you before some simple details, but this is how it really went.
First steps:
Oh yes, I can still remember that day, I woke up that day back in 1998 and I was like 3 years old in my grandmother's house when I saw a very old computer when I saw my uncle playing a game and I was amazed by the colorful moving pictures! I got curious about this pictures, so I waited my uncle until he went away and so I went to the chair, climbed it and then I saw the big pictures moving around! It was a motorcycle game and I started to push every button in front of me and I was so happy, and from that day I entered the gaming life.
My very first console:
When I reached four, my dad bought me my very first console and it was Atari along with three games: Pac Man, Mario and Sonic and I was very happy that day, so I picked up the handle and started to play Pac Man and I went addicted with this game and I liked it so much that I even forgot to eat that day! Few days later I picked Mario and started to play. It was pretty good but it was not easy for me, so I played Sonic instead and like Pac Man, I went crazy with sonic. The Atari was a great console to me and I will never forget it.
Oh, the memories!
Me and Sony:
When I reached six my Atari was broken, so my dad bought my first gaming product from Sony which is Play Station 1 with a game called: Crash and as usual I was happy and I played Crash at first it was pretty hard to me, but then I got used to it. And later I bought several games like: Driver, Spider Man, Toy Story and many more until I reached like 40 games or something, but I had to give away all of my games to my friends because my brother dropped it and it didn't work, I tried to repair it, but I knew that there is no hope and I have to move on.
When I was in the fifth grade my dad bought me a play Station 2 at the end of the school with ten games like: 24 The Game, GTA San Andreas, Crash Twin Sanity, Tomb Rider and so on. Then I kept buying games until I reached 43 games and kept playing them until I got bored of it and I wanted something new.
Last year, at the end of school I decided to buy a PSP and so I did, with great games like: Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, Harry Potter and so on. I liked my PSP so much because I can listen to music, watch videos, play games while I am walking and many other features.
The end?
Of course not! I will never get enough of games and I will never quit gaming no matter what happened and I will always remember the day I played first game ever and the day when my dad bought my first console ever.
And with that I will end my blog here, thanks for reading and feel free to comment.:D