Kratos33 / Member

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I officially hate Donkey Kong

ok well my brothers got Donkey Konga 1&2 and at first i thought that it was pretty cool but they bought it yesterday and all they do is play on it, can you imagine a *bong*bong*clap*clap* "You did it wrong stupid" *Clap*bong*bong*clap*?

it is so annoying. i cant even sleep in! they won't stop playing it! I have been sleeping and i hear a *bang*bang*bong*bong*clap*clap*. at first i think that there are gunshots and that my brothers are dead and i get out of bed and notice my gamecube is gone so it think "they stole me gamecube!" but then i hear my bother laughing and i remember that they got Donkey Konga and that is the sound of drums. They've been playing it ever since i woke up and just stopped minutes ago to eat a cinnimon roll for breakfast. and i swear both my brothers have A.D.D. well that's about it.