Ok im not talking **** about art but If i draw a piece of poo with all the shades in like 10-20 mins, will it be considered as art? Yes I think so...so around 100-300 people in a company, taking 2 years to create a game is not called an art to that ebert guy?
Video game is ART, we just don't really see it because we are too deep in the game's story :P. Saying a game is not an art and instead saying a Urinal is an art is kind of erm...weird. Every games have an artistic aspect...
Meh I dont care, you 360 fanboys can say anything about the ps3 but it wont affect me, I will just play the games I have and judge the graphics MYSELF.
@ porge - It is the 360 owners that defends GameSpot. It is 360 owners that agree with gamespot reviews. It is 360 owners that agree with all their articles. It is 360 owners that accept and diss ps3 owners with multiplatform games comparison.
Why choose a game where developper fast paced it on the ps3? I mean you guys should compare EXCLUSIVES, multiplat is no a great idea. COMPARE EXCLUSIVESSSSSS.
Kratossssssssss' comments