i presented my character this week to the class. in addition to my research online i had to craft an image for my character and come to class dressed and acting like him. i gave my performance and well...everyone was right. i ended up getting a C- on my acting performance. my professor said that the only basic core element of psycho kris was his desire for sex and power, which must mean that i dont get any. he's right. i'm sorry for the things i said. i just want to be good at my craft and if do that i have to be jerky, so be it. and yes, im hard up. so to all the girls i offended im sorry. i know that doesnt help after everything i said to you, but its the truth. a specail apology to nikki, sorry for calling you barbie and for all the things i wrote to you both in posts and pm messages. you just seem like the perfect slice of apple pie girl. you know the kind of girl every guy wants to bang. just thinking about you made me hot all over. but i know that probably freaks you out to so sorry. to its_mee, sorry i didnt accept your friendship when you gave it. im a lousee jerk and you were decent. i still think your lucky as all get out though to have all those girls adore you. i would kill for that. your lucky to have HER you know. most guys would kill for that. to hikari, sorry for calling you kitten. you seem like a real sweet girl and i didnt mean to upset you. to tgray, aka tiffy, im really sorry for what i said to you. i got caught up int he acting and got a little carryed away. im just really a lonly guy. to coolchic, sorry for offending you and making your friends hurt. to demonslayer, sorry man, it was all an act. i just wanted to get people fired up, guess it backfired on me, huh? so luis, sorry man. i was just doing what i do. to everyone else i may have hurt...im a no good lousee freakin jerk whose just lonely and looking for someone to share his life and bed with. lets face it i need to get laid.
Kris-topher Blog
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