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New Level & Mod Queue

I'm sitting at a nice and steady Level 10 (Holy Level 10 it's called) and the bug with my mod queue has been fixed. So currently there are 499 waiting submissions in all of my guides. Holy moly! So far I've cleared out 70 of those, and only have 429 left to go...And the ones that are left are all for Charmed. Yikes! Probably can't tackle them all today, as I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow and have to get to packing etc. I'll see what I can do...:) 3PM Addition: Managed to widdle it down to 250 submissions left unapproved - mostly quotes, trivia and notes. Everything else has been approved or rejected. Cannot believe how many people are still trying to do the "in response to" style submission for the Trivia section! If you can dispute it, submit a deletion submission instead. Sheesh!