Top 5 editor list!
by Kristhetvgirl2 on Comments
Yowza! I check out snide's profile today and find my name mentioned: I haven't put the top 5 editor list up in awhile and I noticed some movement... so here you go: 1. Gislef [3690] 2. ChrisG0522 [3272] 3. DennisKytasaari [2192] 4. MasterAndrew23 [1389] 5. Kristhetvgirl2 [1365] Hehe look it's me! Very cool indeed. :) fuddle2 PMed me yesterday, he's retired from the 21 Jump Street guide so once that's approved I should be officially appointed editor. Cool. I'm usually on here on a daily basis, and after I do my approvals, I head over to one of my guides to "tidy up" meaning changing the quote format or checking for spelling/grammatical errors. So far the complete guides are: Dark Angel and Roswell. While those currently "under construction": Charmed (though seasons 1-3 are done), 21 Jump Street and seaQuest DSV. Plus of course every other guide I have (just those haven't been looked at yet). Here's the link to my SUBMISSION GUIDELINES blog entry.