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Trusted User status, submissions & complaint

The editor for McLeod's Daughters was gracious enough to grant me Trusted User status. Thank you rleedham! Here's the link to my SUBMISSION GUIDELINES blog entry. BTW I've updated this, notably in the Notes section - I didn't know that had certain rules about it, and I've now altered my guidelines to fit that. Apparently the notes section is for off-camera notes about an episode, not for on-camera plot revelations. Plus I knew from a few fellow editors that they've had the Mod Staff step into their approvals and do them themselves, mostly within a day of the submission being sent in. Now I've had it happen to me with the Charmed guide. Luckily they were submissions from a very good contributor (PinkPrincess06) who I trust, but I'm annoyed that they only sat there for a day or two, and I just hadn't had a chance to get to them. Why do editorless shows' submissions sit for weeks and a current show with a very active editor gets stepped on by the Mod Staff the very day of the submission? That's a bit much - what if I was away for a weekend? Imagine what would get approved...sheesh. Plus submissions I sent in for McLeod's Daughters before I was made a trusted user were only sent in for a couple hours before the Mod Staff approved them without the editor's knowledge. That's just not cool. :( Oh and I finally finished tidying up season 4 of Charmed. On to season 5, except I will go back and edit the Notes section for seasons 1 through 4, since that off-camera/on-camera notes rules was unknown to me until today! :)