Current mood: Tired
Listening to: The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
Watching: Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan(Oh god,It's an anime freak. )
Eating: Spaghetti
Drinking: Lemonade (=D!)
Time: 5:42 AM
Playing: Kingdom Hearts 2
I would like to start off by saying you all may start kicking me in the shin,why? Well, I was a fart and forgot to tell you all that I was going on vacation and wouldn't be on for a week. I tried searching for all you amazing people's blogs today and spent an hour doing so. Please forgive me, inflicting violence on me should make you feel better, if not you can just take away my sugar. :[
-Shifty eyes- Isn't it lovely when people get tagged? I think it is! It is just one of the most lovely things and- OH, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEBODY TAG ME! I mean um..... o___o (So much for using the power of politeness to ask to be tagged, oh well, I am tired,hungry, and haven't slept in the past 2 minutes, let me be.)
Holy sexual Batman(Don'cha just love Kristy language?), I almost forgot to post a survey about myself like I said I would! Next blog I will tell you all about the adventures of my vacation and the sexy lifeguards because I know how you guys love guards who are sexy.....! Am I right or am I right? xD
True Or False Survey!
I am shorter than 5'4": False
I have many scars: False
I tan easily: True
I wish my hair was a different color: False (I'd pick brains over fun any day.)
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: False? (Who the hell wrote this crap?!).
I've had/have braces: False
I wear glasses or contacts: True (I have sexy reading glasses ;D)
I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger: Does being whistled at count?
I have/had more than 5 piercings:False (o__o Meep)
I have/had piercings in places besides my ears: False
I have freckles: False
I'm in school: True
I have/had a job: True (I work at the Disney Store and I'm working on graphic design and illustrations for children's books.)
I've fallen asleep at work or school: True (I suggest using books as pillows >:])
I almost always do my homework: True
I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years: True (Huzzah for being a nerd!)
I failed more than 1 course last year: False(Education is too important to me.)
fired: False
Disney movies still make me cry: True ( It's not my fault in One-hundred and One Dalmatians the poor puppies kept getting captured every freakin' second of the movie! -__-)
I've laughed so hard I've cried: False
I've glued my hand to something: False
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: False (Damn, and I wanted to have a career as a human water fountain! xD)
I've had my pants rip/drop in public: False (Although some perv tried to pull down my swim suit bottom and top in the ocean last week.... >.>)
I was born with a disease/impairment: False (To what I know)
I've sat in a doctors office with a friend: False
I've had a serious surgery: False ( I am a healthy girl :] )
I've had chicken pox: False (Got to love medical technology today.)
I've gotten lost in my city: True
I've seen a shooting star: True
I've wished on a shooting star: True (But of course!)
I've gone out in public in my pajamas: True (I ate at Ihoop in ducky pajama pants =P )
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator: True (Hehe, the poor business man in the elevator thought the elevator was going to blow up.)
I've been to a casino: False (Never really interested me.)
I've been skydiving: False (*Kisses the ground* And unless wings pop out of my back or I grow a airbag out of my stomach, it isn't going to happen.)
I've played spin the bottle: False ( :[ )
I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: False (I chugged down soda though.)
I've been in a car crash: False
I've been skiing: false (Skies + Kristy= Haha, hell no. )
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue: True
I've sat on a roof top at night: False
I've played chicken:True (I game that lets you ride on a hot guy's shoulders? I'm in! xD)
I've played a prank on someone: True
I've ridden in a taxi: False
I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: False
I've eaten Sushi: False (I blame the news for telling me it could apparently kill me. -_- )
I've been snowboarding: False
I own over 5 rap CDs: False (*Hugs Ipod*)
I own multiple designer pants and shirts, costing over $100 a piece: False
I own something from Hot Topic: True (A Hello Kitty pillow! My friend's boyfriend works their so he gave it to me.)
I own something from The Gap: False
I own something I got on e-bay: True (Oh plush toys, How I love you.)
I own something from Abercrombie: False
More Random:
I can sing well: True (My fanclub presidents are Mr.Soap and Miss.shampoo)
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: False ( .___. )
I open up to others easily: False (Trust is something not easily shared.)
I watch the news: True
I don't kill bugs: True (I rather let them be or set them free, Haha I am the next Dr. Seuss)
I curse regularly: False
I sing in the shower: True
I am a morning person: False
I am a sports fanatic: false
I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day: False
My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue: true (White, it is simple yet lets you explore your imagination.)
I sometimes wear pajamas to school: False
I know how to boil water: true (I can also flush my toilet =D!)
I laugh at my own jokes: true
I am really ticklish: true
I bite my nails: False (Never have, never will)
I play video games: true ( They are my babies .____. )
I'm good at remembering faces: True (As an artist I try to observe every little detail of everything.)
I'm good at remembering names: False.
I'm good at remembering dates: false
My answers are totally honest: True
Category: Beauty/ Vanity
1. are you tan?: Somewhat ( *GASP*First penguins can't fly and now this quiz stopped being true or false?! Everything I know is a lie!)
2. do you use proactiv?: No
3. do you wear make-up daily? No (I like the natural look.)
4. do you own chanel perfume?: No (Chanel what now? .__. )
5. do you shower daily?: Yes
6. do you go to the tanning bed?: No
8. do you use MAC make-up?: No
9. do you use other make-up products?: Yes
10. do you straighten your hair everyday?: Yes
Category: Friends
21. Is a best friend a promise or a label?: A promise
22. Do you have more than one best friend?: Nope
WHERE DID NUMBER 23 GO?? 23 come back! I can change!! ;___;
24. Do you have too many friends to name?: No
WHERE'D 25 go?? Is this because all my math teachers I have had have joined forces to steal away my numbers?!
26. Do you hang out with w/ friends everyday?: no
27. Do you have pictures of your friends on your walls?: no
28. Do you call more than 3 of your friends regularly? no
29. Is your best friend a girl?:No (But he is gay xD)
30. Are your friends in a lot of your courses?: ....depends....
Category: Fashion
31. do you have originality?: Somewhat.
33. do you own a designer handbag?: Nope
34. do you own something from Lacoste?: Excuse me? .__.
35. do you wear leggings?: At times.
36. is the only color you will never wear yellow?: That and neon colors.
37. do you get fashion tips from magazines?: I Don't read them
38. do people copy your friends: How the hell should I know?
39. do you shop at a&f and hollister?: No
40. do you wear sweats a lot?: No
Category: TV/ Movie
41. are you a movie freak?: At times
42. have you seen over 30 movies In the past 2 months?: No
43. do you have a show that you MUST watch?: Oh hell yeah!
45. have you ever seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy?: Yes (Grey's Anatomy is the smex.)
46. is your favorite movie Finding Nemo?: No, but I do love that little clown of a fish.
47. do you like scary movies?: not really
48. do you watch 30+ hours of TV a week?:Yes... -__-
49. do you own over 100 DVD's?: I only own around 5 DVD'S
50. Is law and order awesome?: How dear you even question its awesomeness!
Category: Music
61. do you like all types of music?: yes
62. do you hate rap?: No, just the ones that are about girls humpin'and jumpin' and all that crap.
63. have you been to 5+ concerts?: No, I don't really like them.
64. have you ever been to a concert?: No
65. does panic! at the disco own you?: THEY CAN IF THEY WANT TO! ;D
Category: Family
75. are you an only child?: No, I have an older sister and a fraternal twin sister.
76. do you like your living arrangement?: For the most part.
77. do your grandparents spoil you?: All but one died before I could really meet them and the one I had died a year ago so no.
78. do you have a lot of cousins?: No,I have a small family.
79. do you love your family?: Yes
80. do you have half/step brother(s)/sister(s)?: No
Category: Appearance
81. are you tall?: Yes
82. do you wish you were tall?: Not really sure
83. is your shoe size 8?: This survey is a stalker! O__o
84. are you comfortable with your appearance?: Pretty much.
85. are your eyes blue?: Yuppers, sky blue.
86. is your hair brown?: BELIEVE IT! (*Is killed by Naruto fans*)
87. are you wearing jeans at the moment?: ....No....
88. have you been called pretty before?: Yes
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