Hey guys, long time no blog xD Well I just wanted to say hi to everyone and to know how you all doing(hopefully you are all alright) and because I would like your opinion on something that is bugging me, I want to buy a Holo figure but I'm not sure which one to get.
All of them are around the same price(130-180 USD) and I like all of them but I can only get one(or rather, I just want one but not sure which) The first one is this:
I like Holo's position and this one is around 25 cm.
The second one is this: it's good looking too :x
And the last one is:
After seeing this one a little bit more closed up, I liked it more....but I'd still like to hear your opinions, and I bought a C.C. figure xDD it was really cheap, maybe it's a fake but whatever it looks nice. It will possibly arrive in two or more weeks, here's how it looks:
I'll take pictures of mine when it arrives. And I chose this picture because the others show a little bit more of skin and GS doesn't like skin :S
I also bought a game, sine I've been wasting my money more on manga and anime than anything right now it was actually strange to buy one xD. The game is Atelier Rorona, first I was regretting pre ordering it because I didn't know that damn Nis had a deal with Gamestop, yeah the limited edition was only sold by them :cry: and I had bought from Amazon and couldn't cancel it afterwards, but the game is good, I like to combine all those ingredients and Rorona is cute :P
Well that is pretty much everything and I hope you all have a great day, take care everyone and please leave your opinions on the figures below :D