...Ah, who the hell am I kidding?
I (along with everybody else) just need to cut back on buying everything that gets hyped up on the forums.
I guess I'm getting the bad habit of going to Gamestop right after picking up my monthly bonus check and going crazy. I bought SVC Chaos (probably the worst fighter this side of Backyard Wrestling) for the sake of having something to hold me over until the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection is released for Xbox.
It's getting so bad, I considered dropping $100+ on an arcade stick before doing the smart thing and only spending $40 on a Pelican. I'm still considering spending $150 on a force feedback wheel for Forza. If EB Games is planning on selling it through stores (I know for a fact that Gamestop isn't), I'll just pay for it in increments up until it comes out, so it doesn't look like I'm blowing all my money on drugs and hookers.
The hobby of gaming is slowly pricing out the kids out there who are too young to make their own money and get the games they want. Of course, listening to those bastards on Live makes me think that making gaming accessible for adults only is a good thing.