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Rainbow Six Game - 2011. 2012. WHEN???

Its been 3 years (2008) since RSV2 and now Ubisoft is releasing Ghost Recon at the end of 2011...However, There is a New game call BREACH (XBOX 360 ONLY) is made by ATOMIC games and they have literally taken the concepts of Rainbow Six and fused them with Call of Duty...CHECK IT looks pretty good..RAINBOW style BREACH will release on Jan 26, 2011 for PC and XBOX for PS3 fans...I guess we will have to wait a little longer...but for all those RAINBOW SIX Fans out there who actually prefer using tactics..BREACH will be what we have next...there are rumors there will not be another Rainbow Six....nothing confirmed..but nothing denied either. But, I believe in this great country (U.S. )that if ENOUGH PEOPLE RAISE THEIR VOICE...they will be heard... WE WANT ANOTHER RAINBOW SIX!!!!!!!!!...(someplace besides vegas) ANY other info or comments...please leave them...and remember...CLOSED MOUTHS DONT GET FEED,..IF WE DO NOT SPEAK, WE WILL NOT BE HEARD...