@sladakrobot @Jecoh I AGREE IT SHOULDNT BE about the TWO systems,...but it will always come down to this debate with console gamers...perhaps one day we will all agree that PS has better HARDWARE innovations and the Xbox has better SOFTWARE applications...making them both great...just depends on what you want more...
@lifemeister like how...??? oh you mean like how the next box is adding a blu ray player finally?, or how its finally going 1080p (when PS4 is going 4K), or like buying rights to exlcusive titles like from PS (i.e. = TOMB RAIDER, METAL GEAR,TEKKEN, and UNREAL TOURNAMENT III now called GEARS OF WAR?)
@InnerSenses @SavoyPrime ITS been confirmed already...PS4 will have cross game chat...as well as the ability to play used games (which the next box is rumoring not to be able to do)
@Rayzakk The only apps worth mentioning on Xbox is ESPN & Xfinity... I have to admit those are really good ones,... the other apps we have already and more (also not mentioning that Microsoft (maker of internet explorer), didnt get a browser until a year ago, vs PS has had one since 2007
Actually NO....the PS+ gives you access to hundreds of dollars in GAMES , DEMOS, DLC, and Early access to things for FREE or at a HUGE discount if not free...I dont know of ANY GOOD/MAINSTREAM titles FREE on XBL...However, there are MANY Title FREE on PS+ (ie. Infamous 2, Uncharted 3, Little Big Planet, & many more)...now Im asking this legitiame question..what is FREE + GOOD just for being an XBL member?...I havent seen or heard of ANY good titles FREE on XBL
I have to say...Though Financially It would make sense for SONY to ask for a paying subscription for online gaming for the PS4 (lets face it, this is still a business venture for them and they want to make a profit, which is also needed to continue RD for future innovations to come), but as a GAMER one of the ARGUING TOOL that I ALWAYS use in SUPPORT OF SONY ...is FREE ONLINE GAMING
as of right now, the PS3 Console is still cheaper than Xbox 360 Console and does more.."why pay more & get less"..when you look at it your actually paying more to game on an Xbox 360 because you PAY TO BE ONLINE and then PAY FOR THE GAME, & then very OFTEN PAY for DLC...vs PS3 you only pay for the game (sometimes DLC).....the only superior quality the Xbox 360 truly has over the PS3 is it can sign in multiple accounts simultaneously (which the PS4 now does)...
in the END as a GAMER im still in HOPE that PS4 DOES NOT REQUIRE a paying subscription just to game ONLINE with friends, but rather gives the choice as we have now with PS+
KryptonianPHA's comments