I've always been a lover of all thigs imaginary.... (yes, even my imaginary friensd... oh i love you all, especially you Violet!! :))
And the reason why I oh so love my PS2 is becayse it loves me. Never has it failed to play for me a game, and it filters out all the crappy games that I happen to have been stupid enough to rent.
My ps2 has supported me for over 4 years, and even though i have purchased 2 new systems after it (a gcube and an xbox) it has been patient and waited for me to return. And return is exactly what i did. There was no way i could stay away from my Ps2 for too long because no matter what people say, nothing compares to the Ps2.
The PS2 not only entertains me, but it also fuels my imagination and it gives me inspiration to create, paint, and write. It teaches you, in their optimistic world, that as long as you put yout mind to it and spend enough time on it, you can accomplish anything. It has also taught me, through the games i played in the system, many moral, and it has given me life experiences.
Finally, I love my Ps2 because it enable me to meet new friends and create new relationships and it helped me find what it is i love to do the most and find a life that i can play my ps2 in. Don't think that it's a sad and pathetic life because it is a life that is full of memories with people (not in games, but in real life) and many heartfelt conversations while a game music was in the background.
so, ps2, even though the playstation 3 is coming out soon and it will come to be in my possession, know that every little bit of you is what makes the ps3 and it will enchance you and make you better, and know that i will always remember the times spent with you and i will take care of my ps3 and love it as much as i love and will always love you.
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