KukSoolMaster's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 27 (57%)
Rank: Sheng Long
Points: 708407

KukSoolMaster's Emblems

  • Readers' Choice 2004 Chooser

    People's choice representative. All those who participated in GameSpot's 2004 Readers' Choice Awards will share this emblem, and have their collective decisions immortalized in those scarce few games that they rightfully placed among gaming's greatest.

  • Public Access

    Public Access For successfully posting a user video. You're on the air! Don't waste it!

  • Game Expert

    Here to save the day! Game Experts are knowledgeable and skilled masters in at least one game and have proven this by unlocking at least 75% of the achievements available for it. If you've ever got a question, a Game Expert's usually a good person to ask.

  • 100% Club - Almost a Carmine

    Yeah! Wooo! Bring it on, sucka! This user signed up for the 100% Club Gears of War 3 challenge. Will they make it to the end? Only time will tell!

  • Robocorn

    Hey look, it's a totally original dude wearing armor. With a huge gun and a helmet (a visor?). And he's riding a unicorn. This user was granted this magical emblem for not having any of their user profile images hosted on untrusted websites during The Great Purge of March 2013.