As none of you might know, I started my College studies in January. It was an odd time to start, since most studies start in the autumn. I was however so bored at home that I had to find something sensible to do rather than leeching the unemployment office for money to buy games.
So here I am, sitting in the classroom in huge crowd of fellow students. By that, I mean the 4 other people besides me. All men, damn. Being in a such small class has its good sides and bad sides. The good sides are that the level of education you get is excellent. Teachers can focus on all students very well. Also, befriending the others happens literally in an hour. The bad sides are that you really cant call in a sick day if you are too lazy to wake up in the morning, since your absence is 20% of the entire class. Also, sleeping during a lecture is not very easy.
My studies focus on computing and data processing. In 4 years I'll (hopefully) be an Engineer in Information and Communications Technology. So far so good, as I've had a decent success. What is nice in this place is that students in the nursing school also study in the same place. Nice views.
It's been 8 months since I started. Summer went by fast playing GTA4, MGS4 and Condemned 2 (I've been looking for a copy of that game for so long and I finally found one. In a discount price, yay). I didn't play them alone for the entire summer though, they didn't have that much replay value in my opinion. No, I returned to the always faithful and always brutal Ninja Gaiden Sigma. And I survived that without resorting to real life violence (damn I'm good).
Now the sirens of College call to me once again and I'm powerless to resist. Like a zombie, I slouch to my new home for the next 4 months again. Adjusting to the early morning wake ups again makes me feel like im sleepwalking. I meet up with my classmates and find out that 2 of them have bailed out. Oh buggers. We who remain, vow to stay, until death. And then we go for a few drinks in the local bars and skip the morning classes the next day. So far so good.
1st week behind now since I returned. Updates will follow.