Kuroiryu2's forum posts
I have it...seriously its all its cracked up to be it's a very fun game; I would have to say as a whole the game is a mix of many shinobi and devil may cry elements (which is not a bad thing).
its also very challenging though so prepare to be frustrated at select parts.
So yeah i would definetly reccomend it
yeah its pointless if you want to chat about system wars talk about the next sony microsoft and nintendo system cause no one is gonna loose this round and its painfully obvious. the war was more like a battle and its long been over. there all got different strategies and they're all gonna do fine (there will not be a dreamcast this time around)
the 360 and wii and ps3 fanboys just ruin the forum. the only suggestion i would make to the ps3 fanboys is to let it go and at least be the bigger woman or man at least on our ps3 forum. it only take one stupid post or comment to bring the 360 fanboys in.
but hey its there prerogative, i personally feel the forum would be so much cooler and much more informative without any of the fanboy comments. also on a side not several of these fanboys have none of the consoles including the console they claim to be defending which in my opinion is hilarious. so ends my rant of the day... game on
I agree seriously! Fanboys needto grow up, all 3 systems have their strengths and weaknesses. Just shut-up and play the damn games instead of trying to argue
A place where the beer flows like wine
A little place called ASSSSSSPEN
The 4 awesome games on PS3; any of which you should consider purchasing:
Oblivion IV: The Elder Scrolls
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Resistance: Fall of Man
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