I've never beat FF IX. The only FF that I haven't. I made it to the last boss and got bored. Didn't bother to try beat it. Played it a few times since, but I always get bored within 15 hours or so. Some great characters like Vivi. Nice soundtrack. Beautiful environment art and overworld map (the fog, the airships, etc). But there's just something about the main two characters and story that kills my interest in the game.
COD4. Crysis wipes the floor with it. I would of said Halo 3 a week after release but it's really not being praised all that much anymore. Most people are aware and open about its flaws and shortcomings.
Don't we all? Rumor is they're making a KOTOR MMO, though, and want to concentrate more on their own IPs with their main teams (the new Austin studio is making the "unannounced MMO").
Class and map design of TF2 is absolutely brilliant for the most part. I've heard some issues with latency, though, that don't exist on PC. Also, it's hard to say yet how well the gameplay transfers over to 360. It was definitely designed originally for very fast and precise KB/M twitch gameplay and input. You can only tweak that core design so much. I've heard decent enough feedback so far, though.
Warcraft. It's the highest overall quality by a fair margin and likely the safest introduction. Then from there, if you're not satisfied, go to DAOC (a Classic server) if you want war, likely either EQ2 or FFXI if you want more challenging and group-based leveling, and EVE if you want a massive hard-core player-run sci-fi sandbox.
Blizzard doesn't reveal it because it's not in their best interest. Notably because how account subscriptions work in Asian countries and how that sort of inflates their subscription levels, at least by American and European standards. So to reveal the lower boxes sold would likely curb the hype that their subscription numbers generate. Simply put, if it was impressive, they'd include it in their press releases. There's a reason they don't.
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