With E3 having lost its former glory as a gaming convention, most - including me - probably reckon Leipzig as the most popular - and important - gaming convention. Being available to the public, thus exploiting a severe flow of the current E3, which only allows press audience in, Leipzig is most probably a defining event in the video-game world. So, let's take a look at the most important highlights for me:
Tomb Raider Underworld: Though I won't be attending the convention, I hope some brilliant gameplay footage finally emerges for this quite promising title. There will be a Thailand demo that anyone will be able to get their hands-on with and, perhaps, someone will upload a video or some screens off the demo screen. ;)
Prince of Persia: Another highly anticipated game for me releasing this November is the all-new Prince of Persia. Hopefully there will be more previews or another demo with more gameplay footage, so we can finally get a taste of the Prince's new acrobatics and such.
Beyond Good and Evil 2: Rumors are already circulating that Ubisoft will be showing us another teaser trailer for BG&E2. The first teaser, entitled "Chapter 1: The Pig", paid homage to Pey-J, a supporting character from the first game. I don't think the dev team is gonna be showing any footage of the game, though I hope there are some more facts out there about what the game is all about this time around. Oh, I forgot. They haven't even officially announced this game yet. :S
World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King: What else can one say about Blizzard's forthcoming expansion to perhaps the best MMO available right now in the market? There are heavy rumors that Blizzard will be exclusively showing the Intro Cinematic of the expansion, and I just can't wait till Thursday, when the cinematic is believed to be shown. Who else is with me for wanting Gnomes in this one? :P
That's all for now. I hope I am back this Thursday for more news on Bilzzard's cinematic and the rest of the games that will be showcased.