Nope. Only run into a few hackers in all the years i've been gaming.
As such is life of a PC gamer.
Nope. Only run into a few hackers in all the years i've been gaming.
As such is life of a PC gamer.
I am a PC gamer, and PC is my prefered platform for games, as long as they will exist. However, looking into my crystal ball I can see that the PC gaming will die, because home PC themselves will die! The devices like iPad will rule at home, and as a result PC will be used mostly for work and at work. There will be less and less incentives to produce PC game, at the same time more and more games will come to iPad like devices.
It will not happen tomorow, but in 10 years I will bet that most homes will not have PC, but rather iPad-like device, or something build into TV...
Haha, no. Anyone with any self-respect or common sense wouldn't go within 10M of a iPad.
Seriously System Wars, why am I teaching basic maths here? Plus not to mention Half-Life 3 isn't in production but rather Episode 3 is.
A better question would be, Why are you arguing with a autistic child?
Thats hurtful. Whose the real monster here! *holds up mirror*Odd. all i see is the back-side of a mirror.
ok heres some simliarities
the ones in halo u can see troops coming out of the exit areas an u could see the guns shooting at u
ok the one in half life u cant see see like whats shooting u whats comiong out of it it looks really fake
so its the same things its enemy spaecship thats how thert the same u see half life didn't have these until halo came out im not saying the design was stolen im saying the idea of having spacehsips in ur game was stolen from halo
and basically it shoots at u like the halo ships an it crashes like there ships it feels very similiar an repetitive
So by this logic Halo is astoundingly unorriginal and ripped off every sci-fi or war movie with a gunship or dropship in it. k, gotcha.
dude i don't wanna hear it HALO came out with these enemy ships first sure that might not be the original halo model thats definetly reaches model i think that one was in halo 2
when i first saw the half life 2 ships i thoguth wow what a halo rip off i also thoguht the ai on those ships were much worse an they looked real badon my pc
first off, did you REALLY just imply that halo came out with that style of ship?
Secondly, please explain the similarities between the two.
can u guys plztake the screenshots away
that halo screenshot does not do the game justice
for one thing i played halo on a huge tv it looked great somethings definetly wrong weith those screenshots im not sayin u shopped em on a bad pc an put on low settings
but yeah i am sayin that thats not xbox screenshotrs i can tell cuz the game looked beter on xbox
and basically those hl2 shots dont even look that good an like i said im gonna get pics of a dropships
HERE is valves crappy rip off of halos dropship made in 2004
HALO ENEMY DROPSHIP lookijng styling 3 years before valve ever made one here it is originally in 2001
yeeeaah... "HaloReach_-_Spirit. png"
Well done comparing HL2 to Halo Reach.
[QUOTE="weezyfb"] for every chicken and cow we kill, their population is replaced... The whales arent..
So whales don't breed?
Are you serious?He's making a point via sarcasm.
whales are an endangered species.
These are the two main whales that are hunted by the Japanese, I think I'll trust a graph that calmly explains things rather than a person yelling at me via large, red text.
And many slaughter houses treat their animals very horrifically, I'll bring up video footage if you really want it.
Ugh.... It's still not the same thing.
Whales are much, much more intelligent and they expirience suffering of a much greater magnitude than a pig, cow or chicken.
Proof. Really, I'd like to know how you can tell they're smarter.
Cloud? Really? no, there's plenty of better Final Fantasy characters. Auron for example.
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