@cogadh "@Mega-Tom Uh, I believe the Xbox 360 also has a 5400 RPM drive. At least one of the hard drive models used in it are the Western Digital Scorpio BEVS series drives, which are only 5400 RPM. The only real difference between the PS3 and the 360 drives is the 360 drive is easily removable." You miss the point. 360 does not do installs and therefore it does not really matter much how fast it's harddrive. LOL @ SONY for doing installs to AVOID using vaunted blu-ray. LOL whats the point?
No this article is completely pointless I agree. I am willing to bet it is a paid advertisement because why would gamespot actually think it's practical to spend 1000 dollars to chop 6 seconds AT MOST off load times while increasing the time taken to install? If the six or so seconds bothers someone that much they can spend less then half the money of SSD and get a 360 which allready has better load times with no installs.
Im just interested in seeing if the Europeans are really as savy and intelligent as they claim. Will they still pick up the inferior PS3 even though Americans snubbed it when it cost less. It's no secret why we havnt been buying PS3. First of all it has half the video memmory of the 360. Second the games coming out are not nearly as good as what is coming for 360 and don't even start on the current libraries. Heres my bet. PS3 will be an even bigger flop in the UK then in the US. Unless you guys are completely brainless.
"Why won't the XBOX 360 die already!?? Nobody likes you Microsoft! " Right now more then 10 million people do like microsoft and with these great new franchises on the way its safe to say that number is going to see a substantial spike in '07. I like ps3 and its franchises, however, I really get a "been there done that" feeling. Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy XIII, MGS4, Resident Evil 5, Armored Core 17, Tekken 6, GTA 4. C'mon Sony, you are at your best when you come with tons of new awesome franchises. The simple reason why I think Gamespot has so many 360 picks is simply because they are new and interesting. Not just the last gens killer apps with a new layer of paint. A lot of people are upset that Heavenly Sword didn't make the cut. Personally I will concede that it looks really cool, but I allways tire of beat 'em up games quickly and put them down forever. In the RPG dept. 360 is strong as hell with Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Lost Oddyssey. A lot of guys were looking for GTA 4 but I have to say that not much has been released about it to get excited over. A screenshot would be a good type. I'm dedicated to not being a fanboy and just buying the system I think is best each generation. This time around it really looks like 360 is the way to go.
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