My name is my gamertag.
L337_Pwnzor's forum posts
- Rock Band
- Assassin's Creed
- The Orange Box (maybe)
- Mass Effect (maybe)
- Guitar Hero 3 (Yes but might get it early next year)
It offers a lot of replay value, yes, but it also shows how much time you spend playing the game and how much you love it. For example the Seriously achievement in Gears of War, I watch out for people who have that one.
When the first Halo came out people thought it was a really new and innovative type of FPS. I guess they liked the gameplay of the first one so much they hopped the bandwagon and got the 2nd and now are waiting for the third.
All that advertising is just companies trying to capitalize on a game that has a lot of fanboys and is expected to deliver.
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