I am a Wii owner and proud of it. My little white box has brought me much joy since I purchased it. Albeit, I don't own that many games for it and there lies the the problem. Wii games suck. I know what I said. The Wii (currently) is being treated like the Gamecube. Getting half-baked ports of older games (ie Mortal Kombat: Armeggedon, Prince of Persia: Rival Swords) or the crappiest version of newer games (Spiderman 3, Transformers). If it's supposedly the fast sell console in history then why is it everytime I have money to buy a game I always wind up buying a new DS cart. I find it sad when the best Wii games out there happen to be ports of games released on the Gamecube from either last year(I know the Wii version was first but it original started out as a GC gameso get over it fanboys) or two years ago (Resident Evil 4). Although times are changing, crappy Wii games continue to flood the market. Even Nintendo tries to pass off Pokemon Battle Revolution as a must have Pokemon Wii game. I call bs. Call it what it really is, Pokemon Stadium Pearl/Diamond. That brings me to another point. Where's the online play? 360 and PS3 had it right out of the box and we have to wait almost a year to get Wifi games coming out. In the past I've said that Sony needs to get their act together with the PS3 but now Nintendo is also showing signs of not caring about their consumer base. So here's a simple list of what ( I think) should be done to help the Wii stay a contender.
1. NO MORE MINI-GAME COMPLIATIONS!!! Seriously guys, if you want to avoid the gimmick stigma then stop letting developers release them on your system.
2. Fix online. The Wifi Connection works fine but friend codes are annoying. Surely it'd be alot easier to give each unit it's own little unique code instead of shoving a bunch of numbers down our thoats.
3.No more ports. As good as RE4: Wii Edition is the system needs more original games. I'm tired of developers trying to sell me an old game just because it's on the Wii. A turd is still a turd even if it's wrapped in gold fabric.
I'm not trying to hate but over the last little while I've been questioning my Wii's existence and contemplated selling it so I can buy a Elitel 360. So Nintendo, either shape up or I'm going to "Jump In".