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Happy 2008

Well 2007 is over, man it doesn't seem like yet another year should be over. It seems like yesterday I was setting in the office on New Years Eve in 1999 seeing if the central systems would melt down from the date change. :P Well as you can probably figure out, they didn't :lol:

It also doesn't seem like this year my family will mark the 5th year since my dad's passing. A lot of good things have happened in these past 5 years, things and events I wish he could have been here physically to take part in. Times when I know I could have talked to him about things going on to get his opinon and all. But in the end he would just tell me that it's my decsion to make and all but even still just having him to talk to is something I dearly miss. And I know my mom still has a real hard time with him not being here anymore. My wife is good though as we include my mom is pretty much everything we do. I know it gets frustrating for my wife with my mom going everyplace with us it seems.

Well I do have some big news I've been teasing with for awhile now. As most know I was the Technology Coordinator for a school district in the area where I live. Well as of Decemeber 31st of 07 I am no longer employeed there. I have taken a position as the network admin with a company that does government contact work. It's a small company that is awarded governement contacts and I'll be managing the network servers. I think it's going to be a good career move for me in the end. It's a big pay increase so I'll be able to provide better for my family as well as have more money for gaming and some of my other hobbies :)

I do miss some of my old co-workers though as I really hated to leave some of them. It was a very difficult last day to say the least. I hadn't told many people as I didn't want a lot of people to know and there was one individual who I didn't want to know at all. See this individual was my driving force when I started looking for a new job. This individual had been giving me a very difficult time and was making my life miserable. What's even worse is this individual is about as non-technical as they get and they thought they could tell me how technology was suppose to work.

I am already feeling much better not being there but do miss some people like I said. Well Monday will be my first day on the job and I'll try to post something that night letting everyone know how it went. I know I won't do much that first day except for paper work and all but I'm still excited and nervous at the same time :)