Weird hearing about all the different places people live. I live in Western North Carolina and it takes literally 20 minutes to get anywhere. I drive a little red 2001 Nissan Frontier pickup.
LEGEND_725's forum posts
Strong Atheism is common on gaming boards. Same arguement always unfolds between the two sides: blind belief in God with weak factual backing v elitist atheist trolling comments with some factual evidence pulled off of the first google search result.
I believe in God, go to church, base my life and relationships on Christain principles and feel happy and better for it. But I'm not going to damn or attack non-believers, because that is not what a Christain does. Christains get a bad name now from all the TV evangelist/agressive ignorant people who don't ever read their bible and just listen to what their parents/pastor tells them. To all the atheist/believers of other religions, I'm sorry that BAD CHRISTIANITY is so rampant now days.
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