@Makhaidos: It was developed by Germans? So, Karl Marx a Russian leader developed this for Germans. Fascism?
LILSMUCK's forum posts
Sounds like most of you didn't play it. It is dark. It does have a great story that is very possible. He has hair 50% of the time if not more. it has comic book type clips. Cover system is what is exspected of any new game. He is in New Jersey not New York, some of the game. Max Payne fan here...thought is was great. plus it is a little harder then most games you can breaze through. Haven't done any multy player, just single on hard with no aim assist
I agree, it was a great ending to me. It shows the sacrifice that any soldier for any country or race has to make. It is not always everyone lives happily ever after.
1st you need a good gaming mouse.
2nd learn to set the controls the way you like them because they will be different for each game
3rd when I play consoles I have to invert the vertical...so you going from console to pc you might have to invert the vertical.
Fallout 3 you will play it for months if you like to explore games.
Amnesia is only $9.99 great game but it will be over under a week if you play a lot
School is 7 hr. Are you addicted?
70's come on the most versitile decade. every thing was good.
80's was hair bands and rap...bad rap
90's was grunge and better rap
2000 till now is what is the flavor of the week
1800's were cool with all the ****cal stuff
we are all sons and daughters of God. Every religion acknowlages Jesus ( his English Name)
Jewish born...the second Messiah?
forgot to tag NJ is called the Gestopo state...How do you feel about your local police?
they serve and protect, or just want to bust balls?
In NJ it is a money maker to just bust balls all the time.
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